Who Do You Say I Am?

For a long time, I have kept silent. I have been quiet and held myself back but the more I delay it, the more it burdens me.

When Primate Ricardo M Alcaraz died on September 12, 2020, we mourned. The church mourned because we’ve lost our kind and beloved shepherd.

During his last days on the earth, he had online series, “Faith For Our Times. After the shoot of the last episodes, he had a table meeting with Fr. Andy, Kuya Jedi, Nang Emma and Dcn. Eli, if I remember it right. I was with Sis Nemia in the kitchen when she prepared the lasagna so I witnessed how delighted the Primate was, being with his co-laborers in the ministry and discussed things for the development and improvement of the online platform. I never thought that, that was the last meal we had with him.

When the Primate passed away, we heard fake news about him. He was accused of something that he didn’t commit. The church was criticized, despised and maligned. Those days were the worst thing I ever heard because the church became the apple of the eye. In submission to the authority and the state, the church was physically closed for precautionary measure and probe. After the church complied with the required measure and when things cleared up, it took a while for the church to be recovered and raised the flag of a warrior church.


I first heard it from Pastor Dick when we were still Army of the Lord Christian Life Fellowship. It was part of his usual encouragement for the people during the service. He kept on reminding the people that in every circumstances that we are facing, we should never retreat nor surrender for God is with us and He will never leave us nor forsake us. That was our motivation to keep going.


This is how he would start his salutation. He would asked, “How are you today?” then the people will respond, “Blessed to be a blessing!” The church got used of this confession over the years. This is his trademark. When you are in need, plant a seed. He taught the people to give and to give cheerfully. So whenever a preacher or a celebrant would ask the same question in the service and you will hear that answer from the congregation, it only means that they are under the sheepfold of Primate Dick.


I remember when I learned about his teaching on tithing. There were certain things that I need to clarify so I asked him through email because I’m a bit shy to ask him personally. I thought, I can hide my identity, but I was surprised when he replied that he knew me without telling him who I was. I really appreciate his response to my queries, and I was awed that he took time to reply to my email. From then on, I didn’t hesitate to ask him anything whether through email or personal. He will get back to you whenever he is available.


One of the unforgettable moments I had with the Primate was when he called me beside the altar area before Wednesday Fellowship. I was kind of scared because I’m not used to be called by him. I thought, I did something wrong but I was relieved when he asked me about “Who is “my gi” in your email address?” I felt like I’m deaf when I heard it so I asked him, “What is it, Bishop?” and he replied, “Who is “my gi” in your email address because your email is missyoumygi, right? Who is my gi?” I smiled and said, “That’s me, Bishop. Somebody used to call me that, so I made it as my email address.” He was satisfied with my answer so I leave. He thought, I’m referring to somebody else, that’s why he asked. Hehehe. He was like a father who is concern of my personal matters, of my choices so I’m kind of amused of his curiosity. Indeed, he is my spiritual father being my Bishop.


Primate Dick loved to read books. He had plenty of books in his room and in the bookshelves. He was not selfish to share his books. He will even give you a book or books if necessary for your development. When I spotted the books entitled, My Time in Heaven and How To Interpret Dreams in his bookshelves, I asked permission to borrow it and he lend it to me. As he was particular of the copyright, I’m not allowed to photocopy it.


Hershey’s is the favorite chocolate of the Primate. Whenever he traveled abroad, we have chocolates as pasalubong. That’s how thoughtful he was to his flocks. He was a generous person that he even gave away his supply of dark chocolate to the admin team because we were working late at night. It was indeed our energy booster and I considered it as a reward.


One of the things that I can’t forget about the Primate was when we invited him to our house for a certain occasion and I was assigned to assist them. I didn’t know that he had specific spot at the dining table but I guided him to the wrong side. You know, he didn’t decline me but he’s gentleman enough to follow my direction. Later on, I was told by a priest that what I did was wrong. I’m grateful that the Primate was kind and gentle enough to deal with me. He delighted to see families who are dwelling in unity, succeeding and prospering.


I remember when I was given a task to be the host of St. Nicholas presentation. Though I was not used to speak in front of the crowd, by the grace of God, I was able to do it. When I was running out of script, the Primate cheered me up with his killer smile, “Adlib! Adlib!”. Everytime I heard him cheering me up, I was relieved. It’s good to feel that you have a supportive Bishop.


When I encountered problem in the umbrella of the business world, I sought advice from the Primate. He was patient enough to hear my story and he gave me pieces of advice what to do. He even prayed for me before going to the island to resolve the matter. His guidance enlightened me and I was able overcome the radical change that had had happened.

I’ve so many things to share but that’s all for now.

Primate Ricardo M Alcaraz, in his lifetime, has established his good name, his identity. No matter how others may defame him due to envy or to satisfy their personal interest, it will never change how we know him personally. He may not be with us physically but he holds a special place in our hearts.
