The Lighthouse


This painting was given away five years ago as a birthday present.  It’s the second to the most difficult paint by numbers I ever had because of its details.  I think, it took me a week to finish the same but it’s worth because for over the years, the revelation of this painting is still vivid on my mind. 

There was a song that played on my mind while doing this paint by numbers.  The song was entitled “The Eagle’s Song”, an original song composed by Fr. Juan Carlos Z. Bonnin.  This song is one of my favorite songs in 1999 because it motivated me one way or the other to keep going in the ministry.  Last January 13, 2024, I’m grateful that I was able to get his permission to publish the lyrics of this song, as follows:   

“The Eagle’s Song”
Words and Music by
Fr. Juan Carlos Z. Bonnin
© 1999 Cathedral of the King Music
Verse 1
At times, I am overwhelmed amidst the raging storm
Weary from battle, I come to seek Your word
Your word is truth and life, sets the captives free
Now I can fly like an eagle in the sky
Now I can soar above the clouds
And be free from the afflictions
That the enemy’s inflicted
I can sail across the sea
I will exult in tribulation
Knowing You have won the victory
And not turn back from the mission
That You have called me to fulfill
Verse 2
You delight in loyalty more than in sacrifice
Please let me never turn my back on You
When my vision begins to blur
I’ll always run to You
You are my refuge and my guiding light


How I wish to hear this song in digital platform.  I’m kind of hoping and looking forward for Fr. JC to record this song once again for digital platform.

When I finished this paint by numbers on June 26, 2019, I was satisfied because it turned out to be good despite difficulty.  I planned to keep it but it was designed to give away, so I waited for the appointed time to give it and it was so.

You know, I was amazed how God revealed things to me when I attended the 50th birthday of Judge B on September 17, 2019 at Latte Cafe.  It was not a coincidence also that I gave him the lighthouse painting because it really described him.  How is that so?

Judge B is like that lighthouse built onshore to serve as beacon of light, to give aid, to guide, to give hope and security.    His service as judge is undeniable.  He gave aid to the needy and my family experienced it, how generous he is and Judge A in times of need.  I also witnessed how he gave his all for his family.  He became their hope and their security.  The roaring sea signifies trials and problems which I witnessed how he handled things with grace.  The rocks signifies that his foundation or I would say, his faith was rooted in God.  I can attest to that because I was there one way or the other, when their family encountered difficulties but their faith in God did not waver.

So what is the relation of the song, “The Eagle’s Song” and the revelation I received at the birthday celebration?  Well, for me, the song also described how Judge B acted to every situation he encountered and though I witnessed some of them, I can’t express everything into writing but one thing is for sure, he has a calm and gentle spirit that made him to live confidently because God is with him.

Lastly, when I posted this painting to my collection album on July 5, 2019, the scripture that was given to me is in Matthew 7:24-25, that says: 24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.”


  1. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful reflection on “The Eagle’s Song.” It’s incredible how certain songs can carry us through challenging times and inspire us in our ministry.

    The message of soaring above our struggles, finding refuge in God’s word, and fulfilling our mission is so powerful.

    I completely understand your desire to hear it on a digital platform. It will be available one day soon. I will keep you posted. Pls include this in your prayers.

    Thank you again for sharing this treasure. It’s a reminder of the strength we can find in music and faith.

    JC 🙏🏽

    1. A big yes and amen, and glad to hear from you soon Father.

      Everytime I encounter difficulties in life and most especially in the ministry, this song is my comfort and I keep on singing it until I'm emotionally stable. I've more insights in this song and will post it one of these days.


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