Don't Be Little Yourself

"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith."
2 Timothy 4:7

After our Territorial Convocation on April 19, 2010 at Carmelite Monastery, I ventured to visit Sir Charles Y. Uy also known as CYU without knowing where he lives.  Supposedly, there will be no side trip after the convocation but since I've enough time before my flight back to Kalibo on that day, I tried to text CYU and asked him if I can pay a visit.  While on our way to Manila, I received his instructions how to go to his place .

I can't recall where it were but I just got off at the bus stop and waited for the driver sent by CYU to pick me up.  On our way to his house, I was kind of amazed when I saw the sign "Forbes".  I knew that he was rich but I never expected that he lived there.  I was awed of the scenery of the houses and huge trees.  I mean, it was kind of awesome seeing those green meadows and gigantic trees in the city.

Sir CYU was then the Chairman and President of the PCCI - Boracay, formerly known as Boracay Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He was one of the kindest persons I ever met in Boracay.  When I was the secretariat, he look after my welfare and extended help how to become effective person in the Chamber.  When he saw my potentials, he guided me one way or the other how to handle the affairs of the Chamber and even sent me to a seminar to widen my understanding.  He has so many plans for my development and enhancement but it was never materialized because he suffered from lung cancer and I have to leave the Chamber for government service.

One of the things that he imparted me was, "Don't be little yourself.  Don't say, "lang" (just) because you are valuable in your field.  Your ability and capability is beyond education."   Those words stuck my mind and straightforward my heart that boosted my confidence.  It was then I knew that he was not just a boss but also a supportive and considerate leader.  I saw his way of discipleship and I really appreciate it.  

When I arrived at his house, I was delighted to see him because I heard rumors that he was dead or he was at his worst condition but guess what, it was the opposite.  The above-stated picture testified that he was alive and in good condition.  Yes, he heard that rumors too as the people in the business world did not see him for quite sometime and yet, there he was, still handsome.  He told me that he was treated outside the country and though his doctor declared that he was cancer free, still, the monitoring continues.  His treatment was concealed to the business world as much as possible..  

While waiting for lunch, I had a short tour in his house and he was kind of amused of my child-like reaction.  I was impressed of the architecture and interior designs of his house.  Though it was simple yet elegant.  We had scrumptious Iunch with a little bit of tutorial how to prepare and eat a certain dish which I can't recall the name.  The dish was new to me and I don't know how to make it so I'm kind of honest enough to ask.  It was Chinese food I think so CYU patiently taught me how to prepare and eat it.  After that, I expressed my gratefulness to him and his family.  Who would have thought that I can enter Forbes without any hassle and had lunch with them.  It was an honor for me to experience it.

Today, August 21, 2024 is CYU's 10th year glorious birthday in heaven and it's kind of inspiring remembering his life on the earth.  I will always remember his kindness, his being supportive and considerate.  Above all, his love towards all his employees and for being down to earth.   
