A Call To Travel

 March 15, 2012.   Conversation with a friend.


Me    :    morning doc.... stay happy and in good health.

Doc  :  Hello! How is my dear Gem? Want to come along to Costa Rica? Am leaving this Sunday, there till next Sunday

Me    :   i really wanted to but.... i don't have passport yet... hehehe

Doc  :    Sa loob ng maleta ko?

Me    :    kung kasya ba ako, why not...

Me    :    i'll try to work out my passport this year

Me   :    i still wanted to explore places and do community work... but i don't know when it will take place

Doc  :   How about Thailand for a start, in April? Or Indonesia in May? I will shoulder at least your board and lodging.

Me   :   are you serious about it?.... it's my desire to visit those places.... sigh...

Me    :    most probably, how much ang expenses if ever?

Doc  :   Mura lang 'yon. Try surfing the net for promotional fares to those places. Would love to enjoy those places with you. 4 days is just right.

Me    :    hehehe..... just one step at a time muna me....

Me    :    passport first and others will follow 


The above-stated conversation rekindled my desire to travel abroad.  I thought, I can't make it but in God’s perfect time, He makes all things beautiful. (Ecc. 3:11).  


When I was a kid, it’s always been my desire to travel, to explore and to adventure not only here in the Philippines but also around the world.  That's why I made myself available whenever I was given opportunity to do so because it’s a lifetime experience.


I was delighted when I received my first ever passport on March 3, 2014.  It was indeed an answered prayer because it took me years to have it due to financial constraint.  By the grace of God, I was able to explore Iloilo alone just to obtain it.  Besides, I don’t have plans to work abroad at that time, that's why it's not my priority.   My only purpose in securing the passport was to fulfill my dream and for tourism.  At that time, I was hoping that sooner or later my passport will be stamped but after five years, it never happened.  Why?  There was no opportunity?  Of course, there was but I declined due to precautionary measure.  What's the situation?  At that time, my doctor friend have a scheduled seminar in Thailand and he invited me again to accompany him.  Everything is free except pocket money.  It was a good offer, right? A supposed to be a fulfillment of my dream but why I didn't grab it?  Because he is a married man and I don't want to be the subject of gossip.  His trip was about work and he was with his colleagues.  Though I know his wife as they were in the same fieldwork, I dared not to be misunderstood.  I'm single, you know and he's married, it's not good to see us together abroad without his wife.  After we've talked about the details of this trip, I told him that I can't accompany him since I've things to consider.  Well, he knew me and he understood my stand so he never insisted though he only want to fulfill my dream one way or the other.  We never met when he went back but he left a souvenir that he bought from Thailand.   Yes, somewhat depressed that my passport expired without any stamp but I believe that one day, it will happen.


During pandemic, I explored the world through paint by numbers and diamond paintings.  My frustration did not stop me to pray and thank God for the right time.  I know that one day, it will come but I have to trust God and while waiting for the proper time, I started saving up.  From time to time my savings was used up for medical expenses but I never give up in believing that God will grant the desire of my heart.  When travel restrictions were lifted, I started desiring and dreaming again but at the same time, asking God when my passport to be stamped.  In the process of waiting, I started planting a seed for travels as I desire to travel abroad free of charge.


Early months of 2023, the scripture that kept on prompting me was in Isaiah 60:22, “When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”  At first, I'm not bothered since I believe that passage is true but what caught my attention was, why it keeps on reminding me?  I don't know exactly what's going on but little did I know, God prepared something special for me. 


In the morning of July 12, 2023, while preparing in going to the office, I asked God again, "Lord, when my passport to be stamped?  Will my passport be expired again without stamp?"  It was just a pity and a casual utterance with a heavy heart but I heard no answer.  So I went to the office and did my job.  At night, my friend in Singapore called me up and asked if I am willing to go to India for her wedding.  What???  Did I hear it correctly?  My heart leaped for joy and I was like, "Lord, is this the answer of my question this morning?"  I composed myself and told Blancaflor that I wanted to but I don't have enough savings in going there since I will be attending Convocation in August.  She offered to sponsor my plane ticket from Kalibo-Manila, Manila to Singapore, then Singapore to Amritsar, India and will meet half way for my ticket back home but the lay-over will be in Malaysia.  Wow!  Hearing those countries was awesome.  Those were listed in my bucket lists and kind of fulfilling to be there.  As to my food and hotel in India, she will cover it all.  Kind of overwhelmed but I told her that if ever I decided to go, I will let her know.  


I was awed how God answered my prayer.  I never expected it.  Though Cherry Mae and I have plans in going to India yet it's not final because my money was quite little.  The offer of Blancaflor was grand and Cherry Mae told me to grab it because she will be there too if ever I decided to go to.  After thorough consideration, I decided to go and started working on my documents.  


On September 12, 2023, I received my travel authority via email from my main office and I was like, this gonna be real.  There will be no turning back.  What a joy in my heart that I will be travelling soon and my dream to travel abroad will be fulfilled.  I started working on my visa but one way or the other, it didn't push through.  I don't know if the problem was my travel bank account or my internet connection so Blancaflor did the process.  I just gave to her my data and bank account for payment and after a week, she sent me the approved visa with multiple entry in a year.  Wow!  God is so great!  How awesome is the Lord Most High!


On the Feast Day of St. Nicholas and the beginning of Liturgical Year, my ultimate dream to travel both local and abroad fulfilled.  This trip was proactively subjected to prayer and despite all the struggles and problems that we encountered along the way, God's favor never fails.  He opened doors of opportunities that we can't imagine.  Surely, God is the God of impossibilities and He worked in our behalf.


When you DELIGHT YOURSELF in the LORD, HE will GIVE you the DESIRES of your heart. (Psalm 37:4).  I never imagined that my passport will be stamped twice or should be thrice in one trip.  I was so amazed how God fulfilled my dream, my desire.  It's worth to wait upon the Lord's favor.  GLORY TO GOD!
