Through It All

"Does God really love me?"  

This is and was the most asked question I ever heard and even I, did ask it when I went through hardship.

About 16 years ago, I was in my room when I encountered the visibility of God's love.  I was pondering what is the evidence that God really love me or us besides Jesus Christ being sent to be the Saviour of the world.  If God really love me, if I was created because of love, then, how to prove it?  Such weird thoughts passed by my mind.

While meditating the song, "Through It All", I was directed to look at the window and then I felt the breeze and saw the heart shape leaves of a certain plant tossed by the wind.  Kind of amused and excited what will happen next because I knew that it was the answer of my heart's question.  Then I heard, "everything within you was made of love".  I wondered what it meant then I looked at my body and saw different kinds of heart shape - my lips, my tongue, my hands and the likes.

Whoa!  I was awed how God answered me through His creation too.  Who would have thought that God will answered me that way?  I mean, the leaves and all the living things around me with different kinds of heart shape.  It's kind of mind blowing for me because it really showed that the evidence of God's love is also myself and all His creation.  I was created by love and I am loved.

I was comforted when the song  Through It All became alive in me - that God sees me through the seasons and as I repeatedly sang it, I felt that the heaviness in my heart was lifted up and released.  

So as to the question whether or not, if God really love me?  YES.  It's all over my body and His creation.  He also sees me through the seasons.  He always reminded me not to doubt His love whenever I attempted to.

The solid evidence of God's love is you, me and us, all His creation but the ultimate proof of His love is Jesus Christ whom He sent into the world, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but will have everlasting life.  Amen.
