Once A Dream, Now A Reality

A year ago, I once asked God: "Lord, when I'm going to travel again, to have a "purely vacation" where I can relax and to buy peace?"  Though I know in my heart that I can't exactly have that opportunity as I usually travel with ministry work, I still made known my desire  to God.  I don't have specific place to go but I want to try Mindanao, at least.   

First week of October 2022, I received a call and informed me that I will be one of the participants for the upcoming seminar.  I can't stop laughing inside because I knew that it was already God's answer to my question.  I was kind of amazed how God answered my query.  I mean, it was just a wishful thought and a desire to escape and yet, He is faithful to fulfill it.  

October 17, 2022, the desire trip to Mindanao happened.  After two (2) years, I was able to travel again.  Indeed, His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts. He answered prayers according to His plans and purpose.

This is part of Pangil Bay Bridge which connect Tangub, Misamis Occidental and Tubod, Lanao del Norte.  While traversing this site, it looks familiar to me, as if I've already been in this place. I can't recall when but I came here in my dream. 

December 2021, I have this church in my heart to visit one day and it happened.  Thank you, Lord, I was able to see The Good Shepherd Parish Church in Tangub City.

Before I went there, it was impressed in my heart that this church will rise up because of its generosity.  When I witnessed their hospitality, I knew that the word I received will gonna happen. I don't know when and how but I know, it will come.  As they blessed the man of God, God will bless them. 

I long to see Lanao since childhood.  I mean, I just saw Lanao in postcards and read it in books but now that I was able to see it from afar, I have no words to express the fulfillment in my heart.  All I can say is that, "Thank you, Lord."   

Sorry, I don't have a chance to take a picture in the morning but this is the lake where you can see Lanao at night.  Fr Adonis Balsomo took us here after dinner eventhough this place is out of our way and that's what we called, "walking an extra mile". 

The first time I heard the details of their love story in August 2019, I was curious and wanted to see them in person.  Well, God made it happened after our lunch in the Symposium. I was able to met Fr Jessie and Pastura Esther Aleria.

This couple proved that age is just a number.  I'm having fun listening of their love story, how they met, the process of their relationship, their wedding preparation and their ministry work.  I can't imagine how hard their labor are for the Kingdom work.  They really have a missionary heart and a heart who is compassionate in ministering people.  They experienced how God was able to protect them in the Muslim areas that they are ministering and the divine provision to continue the work of the ministry.

I was also able to hear two other love stories that proved, "it takes OBEDIENCE to God to find your one true love".  What an inspirational love stories I ever heard.  I wonder when it will happen to me.  


Again, I was reminded of my dream when I saw the pathway upstairs.  Yes, I already went in this place but the scenario was quite different and I was able to confirm some of the facts.  This is  Hoyohoy Highland Park and I'm looking forward to see the completion of it. 

This is the left wing of the Park.  Another dream that became a reality to me.  The exact place I saw in my dream. It never crossed my mind to see this place in person but it happened.  What an amazing place indeed.  

If I'm gonna sum up the steps I've taken up to where I stood and took this picture, it's about 400 steps and vice versa.  I wasn't able to take the last stairs that is about 90 steps because I felt something unusual already.  It seems like something will happen if I continue so I chose not to dare.

My Youthnited friends were waiting for me on the second and third level so I went back after few minutes of rest.  Walking down, spreading my hands on the air and feeling the fog along the way warms my heart. I'm so grateful for this ministry - vacation trip. 

Kind of overwhelming seeing this site.  I had a strange dream months ago and I wonder where this road was and here I am, I've seen it by my own eyes that shocked me.  When I asked about this road, it confirmed my dream about the accident that had happened. Whew! Shocks!  I can't believe it! My dream really happened. Sigh. 

I was kind of suspicious while on our way here because the road was quite familiar again.  If I heard it right, we're not supposed to be here for dinner but since the first choice restaurant is not available for the time being, so we're here.

While taking pictures at the entrance, it seems like I came here before.  I just ignored it at once but when I heard that the chef was from the US, I stopped eating for a while.  What a coincidence! I laughed inside because hello. . . is this for real? This is the fourth dream already!

Yes, it's for real! 😅 When the host introduced the chef (the bald one depicted in the picture) while we were eating, he is the same person I saw in my dream.  I can't believe that this is happening. Promise! But it's real. God is really amazing. 

What a beautiful wings...

I took this picture while on our way to the airport.  I had a wishful and silly request to God and I wonder if He will grant it.  What is it?  Well, if God will grant it, it's a BONUS already.

It took me a year to share this. 🤣🤣🤣 My simple and wishful request was, I wish to have a foreigner guy sit beside me.  What a pity request, right?  It's just a playful thought, you know.  Nothing serious.  I just want to experience it so I just want to ask God.    

I'm a fan of a blue eyes and hairy person but not to the extent of hypertrichosis.  I just like to see a typical foreign guy sit beside me.  That's it.  So while aboard, I already accepted that God will not grant my pity request as I was surrounded by locals and my little hope was proved futile when we landed at Caticlan Airport (my first time in the new airport).

While waiting for the passengers to board the shuttle, I wonder why nobody sit on my right side.  Yes.  I was amused when I noticed that they leave the space beside me.  I don't know.  It seems like, they knew that somebody own that seat and I felt like something strange.  I asked God if there is a possibility that He will grant my request because my little hope was rekindled.  Guess what?  When I looked at the door, I saw this foreign guy looking at my direction and are eyes met, then he walked and sit beside me.  Whew.  I can't helped myself smiling.  My heart was so delighted and good thing that I wore my facemask at that time, if not, they will wonder what's happening.  

For me, it was kind of rewarding because I never expected it.  I thought, God will not grant it but He did.  I was also thrilled when I felt his hairy hands but I just controlled myself.  I don't want to be horny one way or the other, you know.  I just only asked God to experience my simple request and nothing else. 

God is a Faithful God! He amazes me in every way. 🥰  I'm kind of grateful for all the things that He has done to me for this trip. ❤️  You know, God really has the sense of humor and He really teased me about the wishful thought I asked of Him. 😂  God wanted me to feel what I asked for.  He really made sure that my wishful bonus will be granted.

Thank you Lord for this trip. 🥰 


  1. It's amazing...I means if you believe in God then God always fulfill your all requests and always blessed you ..


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