Life Plan Insurance

How do you prepare for your future? Saving money? Insurance? Bahala na si Batman? or Let God's will be done? 

Talking about life plan insurance is kind of taboo for some, right?  Even I, myself back then, is not an exemption.  I would rather make plans and preparations for other things than that.  Who in the world would prepare for his own death?  Maybe some but still kind of goosebumps.  

Nobody knows when will be our last day on the earth except on the last day. Some of us are afraid to die. Why? Because we are not yet ready to cross the borderline; because we have a lot of things to do or fulfil; and the like. 

Years ago, while on board the tricycle on my way home, I heard this instruction, "get a life plan for your brother".   What?  Do I hear it right?  Kind of hesitant to accept the message and I was really bothered.  I mean, who would like to lose a loveone?  It's not a happy thing, right? Even God doesn't have any pleasure in anyone's death.  Whether or not it's God telling me, I've a heavy heart to do it but I know that one way or the other, it's just a glimpse.    

After receiving that message, it took me a while to approach my brother and talk about it. I don't want to be misinterpreted for my actions but that's the only thing I can do at least, not only for him but for his family.  We don't know what holds the future, our finances, since my salary is just sufficient enough for my household.  I have to choose my battle and I don't want my finances to be futile. 

My brother underwent dialysis twice a week, not to mention that he had other matters to attend to and their finances were kind of tight. In the long run, we can't also support them as we have our own struggles too in life.  When the siblings met in their home, we talked about his condition and plans,  Since I can't support him financially because I've a high maintenance patient too at home, I made a stand to cover up his life plan insurance and a monthly sack of rice for the time being.  Do I sound like a heartless sister because of my stand? Call me hypocrite if I don't help one way or the other.  

July 25, 2021, my brother left the world at the peak of Delta COVID-19. He died not because of covid but of multiple organ failure. During that period, the household in the compound was consecutively sick while I was in quarantine. The situation was not favorable for us and we don't have enough finances to be candid.  

This matter is not to brag or something, but I'm grateful that I obeyed the instruction I received about a year and 6 months before my brother died and I believed that it was God's intervention. For such a time as this, lockdown was implemented, the economy went down and in successive quarantine, where can we get the finances for his funeral since they were also submerged in debt?  The life plan insurance saved it all, at least, and the family of my late brother also received in full the insurance of his life plan after a month or two. 

The household was not present during the entire nine days of wake of my brother as my father also died five days later due to severe pneumonia which was declared covid at that time and we were all under house quarantine. Only my other brother and sister and family were present despite restrictions. Just imagine the double pain we went through at that time. 😔😭 Though my father was also insured but to no avail because he was cremated, the last batch before the crematory bogged down in Iloilo. 😭😭😭

What I'm trying to say is that, when you make plans for your future, don't forget about life plan because it helps one way or the other. It may be a taboo or a curse for others but who cares?  If you would ask if I'm also insured?  Yes, I am because I don't want my family to be problematic, at least, if I die. 

Above all, don't forget to live a life worthy of Christ because at the end of the day, of our life on the earth, we are all going to face God. Our life plan insurance depends on how we live on the earth. We are insured to enter heaven if we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior; if we work out our salvation and if we live a life worthy of Him.  

Remember, God is the God of the living and not of the dead (Matthew 22:32). Christ is alive and in Him, we have everlasting life. Amen.
