I Will Go

 Are you struggling in making major decisions in your life? Asking God for discernment what to do and what path are you going to take? How can you hear from God for directions and guidance? If yes, then, you are not alone. We are on the same page, going through hard and tough times but one thing is for sure, “God will never let the righteous be forsaken nor begging for bread.” (Psalm 55:22)

November 2022, I’ve made a major decision in my life that caused me to go out of my comfort zone but prior to that, I had a couple of months struggling whether or not to step out of the boat and scratch the surface. Yes, it’s not really easy. I’ve sleepless nights. Uncomfortable days. It took me months to finally step out of the boat.   

From the day I prayed for God’s direction for this major decision, He didn’t answer me immediately. I went through a series of considerations. What ifs? What is going to happen? What about this and that? I even doubted myself if I can be able to endure it. Well, though I felt the per pressure around me, I’ve peace of mind and heart that God will give me the right time to do so. As to when, I have to wait upon the Lord.

Days later, the song “I Will Go” by Steve Green became the song of my heart. I sang it naturally as it is one of my favorites so whenever the song becomes alive in my heart, I just flow with it. I never thought that God would answer my prayer through this song. I mean, He has many ways to answer prayer but this time, this song played a big part of my decision.

The Chorus says, 

“And I will go where there are no easy roads, 

Leave the comforts that I know, 

I will go and let this journey be my home, 

I will go, I will go”.

At first, the song is just a song for me, as one of my favorites as it’s really close to my heart. I don’t feel any hint that God is already dealing with me through this song. I mean, the chorus alone told me that if I’m going to do it, it’s not an easy life but then, another chorus says,

“I will go, Lord, where Your glory is unknown

I will live for You alone

I will go because my life is not my own

I will go, I will go”

It simply means that if I’m going to do it, it’s for God’s glory. How would it become His glory? He is going to prove His faithfulness and goodness to me in some ways. Like, how would I know that God will meet my needs if I don’t lack anything? How can I say and prove that God provides if I don’t have a need? How will He work in my finances if I do not allow Him to do so? 

When the conviction of the song became clear to me, I decided to step out of the boat of faith and trust God completely. Yes, I worried but I always comforted myself that I have to take the risk, at least for once, for a change. I know that it's not an easy road, that I have to leave the comforts that I know, that I have live for God alone, for my life is not my own. I really have to trust Him and see how He works in a special way.

Well, when I took the risk of my major decision, God proved His faithfulness and goodness. I may have a long journey to take but I'm confident that God will never leave me nor forsake me. Thank you Lord.
