Be An Answer To Your Prayer

In the morning of December 20, 2021, while on my way to the office, I was contemplating whether or not to spend my spare money for my wants or just to save it.  Since I'm undecided, I asked God what to do. The funny thing was,  His answer was unexpected because it wasn't in my choices either. 😅

You know, remember this.  Whenever you ask God for something, you better be ready and be prepared for His answer because in my case, I proved Him true.  He doesn't only answer prayers the way I expected it because sometimes, it's overwhelming, it's beyond measure.  He also answers prayers one step at a time most especially if it requires trust and humility, in another level of faith and to test whether or not, I'm going to follow what He says.

Alright, when I asked Him what to do with that spare money, this was His answer: "You pay her bill" (a face flashed back my mind). In split seconds, I laughed and asked, " What? I don't even know her bill." but at the back of my mind, I knew that it was the same amount I have.

In a while, I was kind of hesitant to ask that person because I'm afraid to be rejected.  Besides, I don't know exactly how much her bill was though I had an idea but still need to confirm.  I was also thinking that perhaps, the spare money I have is not enough to meet the need and I will be embarrassed.  

Prior to that, I was praying for her family because they went through financial difficulties.  Though I extended help to her family during those times, still, they had monthly bills to pay off.  

At that moment, I was praying for God's provisions and favors for them. I never thought that one way or the other, I became an answer to my prayer.  Though I had a hint that I might be rejected but still, I tried to contact her through chat since she was out of town.  

When I asked her about the specific bill, I was indirectly rejected.  What would be my reaction? Oh, my money is safe but no, I have to do it since I was told to do so.  When I explained to her why I need to do it, she accepted it and guess what?  It was exactly the same amount of my spare money. 

After the confirmation, again, I asked God, "Is that all?" And He said, "You ask her."  Kind of excited because it's like a blank check to me.  Like, I'm asking God for something and then, He is giving me a blank check to fill in what I need and want. 

Well, when I took the courage to ask again, she didn't grab the opportunity because of personal reasons.  Of course, mixed emotions but I respect her decision.  

See, I'm not sharing this for recognition.  In as much as I wanted to keep this encounter myself, I couldn't help it until I shared the topic about Prayer in the Youth Fellowship on April 21 and 28, 2023. 

You know, sometimes, we normally prayed for those who are in need and there is nothing wrong with that but how many of us became an answer to our own prayer?  

Well, the first thing God taught me in that encounter was that, am I willing to lift a hand to help people I prayed for or I'll just going to ignore it? Well, maybe God will not ask me to do something if I don't have it, right?  Besides, I'm the one who asked Him first, so it means, I'm asking His will.  Now that I learnt His will, what should I do?  At that time, my response is to obey. 

Second, how did I know that it was the voice of God and not my own? Well, God will never contradict His Word. God is a giver God.  Would you think Satan will tell you to give? Of course not!  Giving is not in his vocabulary.  I'm sure that it's not my own voice either because at that time, I was thinking of spending it or saving it.

Third, God will answer prayer according to your need.  At that time, the need was to pay the specific bill and that's how the encounter happened.  If God answers prayers beyond my expectations, then, He is showing Himself faithful in my behalf and that, He is also telling me not to limit Him because He is a great and a big God.  

When you pray, be specific. When you pray, be willing to be the answer of your own prayer.  God bless!
