To Forget or Not To Forget

 Were you deeply hurt by someone? 

If yes, have you forgiven those who hurt you? 

If no, are you still hurt that you can't forgive? 

These common and sensitive questions are part of the issues in life and if not properly addressed, it leads to hatred, resentment and unforgiveness.

Knowingly and unknowingly, we were being hurt by somebody or vice versa, right?  But sometimes, we tend to ignore it.  Why?  Because of self-denial and self defense mechanism.  

Who among us is happy if someone or somebody would excavate our dark past?  No one, right?  I would rather bury it in the ground for the rest of life than to be discovered by others.  

About three (3) years ago, I burned my diary for about 80 journals (if I recall it right) to protect the welfare of others and to leave no evidence of the past as well as for the peace of mind. 

I often heard these, "oh, it's easy for you to say, forgive but it's hard to do", "it's not easy to forgive and to forget because I suffered", "it's easy for you to say, forgive because you're not in my shoes." and so on and so forth. 

Well, it might be true and sounds logical but think about it, have you ever received forgiveness from somebody eventhough you don't deserve it?  If yes, how hard is it to do the same for others?   

"I already forgiven them but to forget, it's not in my vocabulary.  It will be in my heart forever."  

Really?  How can you say that you forgave but not forgetting what happened?  Did you forgive wholeheartedly or just for compliance? 

Isaiah 43:18 says, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past." 

If your past hurts you, why stay in that state of life? Why do you have to keep it as if it evolves your life?  Do you deserve to suffer because you can't forget what happened and even forgive?  What profit you can get? 

To forgive wholeheartedly is not easy.  We need the grace of God to do it and we are to do it every day, willingly, to achieve it. The more we do it as a lifestyle, the more we forget those things that hurt us.  And if ever the enemy will try to inject the same in our mind, it's easy for us to dismiss it because the hurt is no longer there because we choose to let it go.  

How does it feel when you let go all your hurt, all pain and suffering? You've peace in your mind and in your heart, right?  

When you choose to forget and forgive, blessing will follow.  So why choose to stay for not forgetting if you only suffer?  Do you really deserve it?  Think about it.  

Choose to make a decision.  Choose to forget and forgive.  Choose to move forward.  Choose to press on toward the goal God has set for you.  Choose to be happy because you deserve the fullness of life that God has given you.  God bless!
