Kairos Time

April 17, 2020, I was in my room when a "passing thought" crossed my mind that there will be an encounter between the government army and terrorist group. I just sensed the urgency to pray so I uttered a little prayer for their safety. It was a general prayer since I really don't know what's going on. 

On that day, I didn't watch any news over the television nor check if there were any untoward incidents. Since we are on a free tv channel, it sucked to watch as it flooded news about COVID-19. 

The following day, April 18, 2020, while scrolling the newsfeed on my Facebook, I read and watched the news about the terrorist encounter between the Philippine Army and the Abu Sayyaf Group. I was stunned when I learned that it happened only in April 17, (the same day I thought about it) in Sulu. It really breaks my heart that I can't stop crying.  

Reading and watching the sentiments of the family who have lost their loved ones was kind of heartbreaking. I can't help myself to stop crying and asking why it happened. If what happened was painful for me that I've no connection with, how much more to the family? 

I've no words to describe how I felt at that time as I was astonished that it really happened, so fast. If only I had known, maybe, I kept on interceding but I wasn't sensitive enough to do so which I regretted. Part of me was blaming myself why I just uttered a little prayer.  

While other people are complaining about the quarantine and the cash benefits to be given by the government, there are people who lost their lives just to protect and secure the peace and order of our nation. 

How hard is it to submit and follow rules just to save lives?  

For such a time as this, who can be saved?

I tried to be calmed and asked for God's forgiveness because one way or the other, I was angry and devastated at the same time. I can't believe that a simple thought will become a reality on the same day. I have no idea how crucial it was when it entered my mind. 

When I was able to compose myself, I did this prayer with trembling hands and posted it on my timeline on that very day. 

"Have mercy Lord and forgive the terrorist group. May they have a divine encounter with you, to respect life and thank you for using them for your glory. 

Thank you also Lord for the inner healing of emotions, memories and relationships for the family of the fallen armies. Thank you Lord for comforting them. 

Protect and preserve O Lord all who are on-duty and thank you for bringing them safe to their respective family. Amen."

After I made this prayer, it took me awhile to be totally calmed down as I was really trembling out of anger, out of regret and brokenness but by the grace and mercy of God, I was able to put myself together.
