EQUIPPING Comes Before the Battle

Would you believe that before you encounter a problem or circumstance, God will give you a glimpse and equip you first?  How would you know the effectiveness of God's promises if it's not to be tested?  Remember, the test is not for us to fail but to pass it.

May 2021 was kind of tough for me because I was in close contact with a friend who was covid positive. However, before it happened, I saw a glimpse of it but I just ignored it knowing that I have a God Who will protect me.  

On May 14, 2021, I was on my way to the house of my friend for bible study when thoughts crossed my mind such as, "What if I am carrying the virus without knowing it? What if I am infected?". Though there was a possibility due to rising cases in our province, I just dismissed it and prayed for God's protection, and claimed His promises in Psalm 91.  

Days later, my friend called me up and informed me that she tested positive for covid based on the antigen test.  I was alarmed because I am one of her close contacts at that time I went to their house. I was even in full gear.  If the result of their swab test turned positive, then, I'm in trouble.

My heart calmed when I received that information but my mind was wandering because in that case, two churches will be affected, my family and officemates.  Despite the news, I just thanked God for everything.  I wonder how He will going to prove Himself faithful on our behalf.

You know, weeks before it happened, my friend was meditating and confessing Psalm 23 and Psalm 91.  The situation that we encountered at that time will test whether or not we believe what the word of God says. As for me, I am certain but for my friend, she's still a babe in the Lord.  I wonder how she will take the situation but I did pray that she will be strengthened by the scriptures she meditated on.

Fast forward.  Our swab tests came out and only my friend tested positive for the PCR COVID-19 test. I'm worried that she will be stumbled because she was solely positive while her household and I tested negative for the virus.  I did not know how to make her feel at ease but I just prayed that she will still continually believe God and that, the word she is standing on will be alive in her heart.  I believe, God already equipped her with Psalms 23 and 91 so that she will have the ability to overcome the situation. 

When the enemy tried things to look bad, God turned them into good because our bible study did not stop.  My friend sought God more and His word, that's why she does not want to stop our bible study. We shifted to online platforms and every time she requested prayers, we did it online also.  

One of the beautiful things God did during that period was that He revealed Himself faithful on our behalf.  The scriptures became more alive in the heart of my friend.  She was able to experience the deeper kind of God's love, faithfulness, and protection.  She was able to see the manifestation of the scriptures she was standing on and her relationship with God was strengthened. She may have difficulties but God was able to take good care of her and the needs of her family.  

To God be the glory.
