Wisdom in Abundance

March 22, 2022.  I was reading Genesis 45:1-15 when I was reminded of what happened 2 years ago.  

The main office issued an Administrative Circular dated March 20, 2020, that due to unabated rise of Covid-19 infection and with the entire country under a state of calamity, with many cities either on “Extreme Enhanced Community Quarantine or Lockdown, our office shall be physically closed effectively on March 23, 2020.

At that time, lot of questions entered my mind.  What will happen?  What about our salary?  Where to get the money to buy food?  How are we going to church? And so on and so forth.

I would be hypocrite if I don’t feel fear and anxiety at that time.  Of course, I'm afraid but it’s only a little bit.  I’m not worried about myself.  I can survive but what about my family?  Being a breadwinner, the situation was kind of challenging.

“I wonder how God will at work and provide for us.” That’s what I’ve thought then because I’ve peace in my heart that God will prove Himself faithful in our behalf.  Sure enough, for one month and nine days that I stayed home for work, we never run out of provision.  I can say that we never starved at all.

A month before lockdown, I was wondering why unexpected blessings coming in.  I mean, I’m not complaining about it but I have the feeling to save it rather than spending.  Of course, I don’t deprive myself either but in as much as I wanted to buy my wants other than needs, there was urgency in my heart not to do so and saved it instead for time being.  Little did I know, we’re lockdown and the money I saved, I used up to buy our needs.  I then realized that I was given unexpected blessings ahead of time so that we will have provision during lockdown.  Not only that, before my savings run out, blessing upon blessing came in that I was able to share it to others also.

When my friend knew that I was able to cross the border, she asked me if I need the money but I declined.  Though surprised and puzzled, she never insisted.  I told her that we’ve more than enough for time being but just in case I will need the money, I will tell her.  She knew then that I meant it.      

For the entire duration of lockdown, God was able to sustain us and God has blessed us more abundantly beyond that we could ask or imagine.  We thought, lockdown will starve us but nope, God is the God of plenty and He supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Going back to Genesis 45:1-15, it is God who sent Joseph to Egypt, to save lives from famine.  It is the wisdom of God that he was able to interpret Pharaoh’s dream about years of abundance and famine.  If he was not able to store up more than enough food, then, there was no great deliverance.

God is the God of order.  He gives provision ahead of us.  He gives us hints and warnings before we go through circumstances.  We may not aware of it because of our stubbornness but He is always providing us before we ask for it.  May we use our resources rightly for the service of others and for His honor and glory.  Amen.
