The Higher Calling

What is your calling?  What is your ministry?  Are you happy doing ministry work?  

When I woke up with a heavy heart on October 8, 2021, there was a song that kept on playing in my heart - "no higher calling".  Though I didn't know the entire lyrics, I just hamming it up because I can't help it.  It kept on playing and playing that I have to open up my we sing app and searched it.  I'm just a trying hard singer, you know, and singing worship songs via we sing can minister others too. 

To be awaken by worship song is not new to me at all.  I encountered it countless times and everytime it happen, it's something that God is dealing with me.  So when this song kept on playing in my heart and in my mind, I know that there is a message that He wants to communicate with.

I started meditating the song, hamming and trying hard to hit the high notes.  At first, it's just a song to sing with, nothing special but as I kept on singing it, I started crying with mixed emotions.  I can't put it in words. It seems like, to be exploded at any time. 

What's the situation?  The church at that time was preparing for the coming Deacon and Priest Ordination.  The elects were under trial and they've been under attack in any forms not to mention, mentally and emotionally.  The questions like, "Am I worthy?" and "Am I really called to do this?" among others.  They have to face per pressure, doubt, fear, anxiety and to build up self-esteem.  They have to address those "feeling called to holy orders but not chosen" and "I'm called but wasn't chosen" as well as the "comparison of years in the ministry to be chosen".  I also heard stories like, the highest calling or ministry in the church is the holy orders, people will look up to you if you are in that office and other related boasting attitude. 😞

As I went through the song, it addressed those negative stories and facts. For each and every ministry that we have is important to God and in the Body of Christ.  They correlate to each other and there should be no competition at all because we are one Body in Christ.

What about prayer ministry?  Why this ministry was given less importance?  Is it because people don't see you when you pray - when you are in your closet with God?

I was amazed because God shown me that "there is no higher calling, no greater honor then to bow and kneel before His throne".  What do you think is the ministry or calling that requires bowing and kneeling?  It's PRAYER and INTERCESSION. Prayer is the powerhouse of the church that's why both  Ordination were successful and anointed because it was stewed in prayer for months.  

After that revelation, I was comforted and was relieved from heavy heart. I was able to record my own song and it feels good. 😊 You can check it here.  No Higher Calling

Whatever ministry you are in right now, do everything in love and with love for God.  Pray before anything else and in everything that you do for the ministry, PRAY, for it is the higher calling that we have to God. 🙏
