
January 15, 2011, I agreed to consult a medium (as I call it) out of curiosity. It was not intentional but to simply put, I compromised as I don't want to embarrass the person who brought me there. When I heard my so called "destiny", I laughed inside because its too good to be true that warms my heart but at the back of my mind, sort of against to my ten-year plan at that time.

When I inquired this to God, He said to me, "Have I not tell you, not to consult about medium or fortune teller?" I immediately raised my defense, "Not a fortune teller, Lord but I only consulted about energy but I admit.". Then He continued, "Have I not tell you? No one can see the future, no one can tell what your future is, except God. Have you not read in my word? (citing the old & new testament about fortune teller). This is my plan....." (which I can't remember now. Wasn't able to write it during that time)

Whew! A confrontation ever! As in! God is talking to me and I talked back to Him, reasoning about this and that. What an arrogant attitude that should not to be boasted of. I can't hear His voice clearly because I kept on arguing with Him but after all, I admitted that what I did was wrong. I can never win against God, ever. I humbled myself before Him and asked His forgiveness. And He added, "Go to the sacrament of confession tomorrow. You will going to minister tomorrow and yet, you doubted Me and consulted other source. Before you minister tomorrow, avail first the sacrament to be freed from that.". I agreed and said, "Okay Lord. Erase, erase everything I have heard (from the medium). Sorry for disobeying you. I will accept whatever discipline you will make but may you will not discipline me in your wrath but in your love."

The following day, Sunday. I availed the sacrament and received God's absolution. Does it mean that God didn't forgive me when I asked forgiveness directly to Him? Of course not. I believe that He did forgive me because 1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.". So why do I have to avail the sacrament? Because He said so. He repeated it twice to me to avail the sacrament, which means, it was given emphasis that I have to do it and I don't want to argue with Him anymore. All I have to do is to obey what He says.

Nine years passed by but none of the predictions took place. So am I still looking forward about it? Not anymore because most of my ten-year plan were fulfilled with bonus. The plan that was presented before God and prayed, works!

This year, our plans may seem to be freezed, our so called fate detour one way or the other but the plans and wills of God will never change. I may not remember now the plans that God narrated on that day but I believe one day, I will find it - the fate that were written in His book for me to fulfill it.
