"Spend Time With Me"

Who tells the truth? What to believe in this chaos time? Does God sent His word for such a time as this?
For about three years, I constantly heard, "Spend Time with Me". I thought, it was just a reminder in the beginning but hearing it during Sunday services (sometimes successively) Wednesday fellowship, Ladies Prayer breakfast and Ladies prayer and fasting, it became a mandate for me. Why in the world "Spend time with Me" was the most outspoken words in the prophecies and words of encouragement? There were times that a word "please" was added as if God pleaded His people to come to Him and spend time with Him.
One of the prophecies be like, "Spend time with me... know my heart for I am going to reveal myself to you... do not fear for I am with you. . . Spend time with me..." I wonder why it was given emphasis. It bothered me sometimes so I dared asked God, "Why you always tell us to spend time with you? Are we kind of bull-headed? We heard it many times, why you have to repeat it? Are we not responding to your invitation?" 
Kind of embarrassed because of the stubbornness of our hearts but correct me if I'm wrong, sometimes, we say yes and amen to the prophecy we heard but tend to forget it after all, right?  I just prayed that God will write those words in our hearts that we may not forget it but fulfill it.
How to spend time with God? We can do it through prayer, of course, reading His holy word (his love letter to us), through hymns, psalms and songs, among others. Can we be still in His presence? I can answer yes immediately but those were the days. Why? Because my mind and heart were not yet contaminated of the cares of this world. When I opened up myself to the world and got distracted, there were lapses on my part in spending time with God. The intimacy was no longer there and I noticed that I was slowly dragged out of my relationship with Him but you know, God is merciful and faithful. His word always reminded me that I am not of this world though I am in the world. I have to renew my mind and acknowledge my sins and shortcomings before Him and He forgives, as always.
Why God long for our presence? Why He wants us to know His heart? 
I remember in October to November 2019, I felt like being choked of per pressures. I asked God to send me help, someone that is unknown to me where I can freely express myself because I was kind of burnout and He did. 
When I refreshed my Skype account, somebody added me in March 2019 with the "hi" message which surprised me. I replied October already and after a day or two, we have constant communication. He became my companion during wee hours while tending the needs of my sick father after hospitalization. He became my comforter and love interest at the moment but after the healing process of my Tatay, we seldom talk and chat. There were times that I long for him because I missed the time we spent together over the phone and getting excited to see him but when the pandemic started, there was silence. 
In my frustration, I heard, "now you know how does it feels when you long for someone.". Outch! It hurts! But I laughed inside because that is how God feels when He longs for his beloved. The feeling that you are waiting for your lover to spend time with you but your lover is not coming. Sigh. It seems like, I fully understand what God feels when He is excited to meet us and spend time with Him but we don't give importance to it. God wants us to know His heart - His love for us and the things He prepared for us.
When the world stop due to this pandemic, I believe that it is a perfect timing for us to spend time with Him, for He misses us every single day of our lives. 
As what Psalm 8:4 says, "what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you visit him?" God is so in love with us. Let us go back to our first love and the lover of our soul - Jesus, for He loves us so much. In spending time with Him, we may be able to hear instructions and directions of the way out we are in right now. God is on the move. Take heed and be ready.
