Manifesting The Kingdom of God

How hard is it to be a scriptwriter? If you were born a writer or with the talent of a golden pen, was there a time that you are struggling doing it? Perhaps it’s just easy for some but for a trying hard like me, it took me a while to do it.
When Mam Ening gave me the topic “Manifesting The Kingdom of God” for the St. Nicholas Presentation, it was kind of broad to me. It puzzled me for weeks as I don’t know how to put it into writing. I mean, in the adult point of view, I think, I can do that but for the kids to portray it, I’m anxious. Why? Because I’ve new set of beginners as the former were already in preparatory and few juniors. In other words, I'm not confident of the set of participants for this presentation. I’m worried that I can’t make the script on-time (though the songs were already prepared), the children will have a hard time with me and the practice that may not be pushed through due to the hospitalization of my father.
It was kind of tough. There were times that I have to delegate the responsibility to my subordinates as I have to attend the needs of my family. The enemy tried to distract me on purpose and tested my commitment but by prayers and the grace of God, I was able to overcome it.
What amused me the most were the little ones – the beginners. It took me courage to go down to a child-like kind of teaching them but sometimes, I can't help myself to be a little dragon. I don’t have much patience but I have to add a little more for them to understand what they were doing. I mean, they were just 4 to 7 years old. What do you expect from them? But you know, they were attentive and easy to be with. I put so much effort on them because I thought, they were kind of weak due to their age but I underestimated them. They actually surpassed my expectation because they gave justice to the songs assigned to them and the impact was powerful during the presentation.
I'm also proud of the creativity and maturity of the preparatory and juniors. When changes occurred, they helped each other and they're quick to adapt the collaboration. When they have to repeat their performance, they were embarrassed yet playful. I can see how sincere they were to do their best as they can and they really enjoyed each other's company. When I cheered them up, their faces shines and their killer smile warms my heart.
To be honest, these children were amazing. What they did really hit me inside and I felt like, humiliated because right after the presentation, I heard, "do not despise their youth". Yes, I should have not because what I witnessed on that day, in that presentation is a living proof that God is able to bestow His glory among the children.
When the presentation was over, Mam Ening congratulated me and said, "you're afraid that they can't make it but they did and they were good". Yes, indeed. I'm afraid that they can't do it well because of circumstances but God never failed us. He never put us to shame and it's all for His glory.
The script is just a theory but to manifest the Kingdom of God is the work that needs to be done. There are so many ways to do it but the children did it in their own way through the presentation. It is their love for Jesus that motivates them to praise Him at their very young age. They encouraged us to read God's word for it is the truth, to get up and not to be afraid to speak up His word and to make a difference today in the world.
