I Am The God That Healeth Thee

In the silence of night while doing my sewing session, tears ran down from my eyes out of nowhere. I can’t help it. I just heard the song, “I Am the God that healeth thee” that touched my heart and memories flashed back in my mind.

What’s the big deal in hearing it? It’s just a song. Yes, it is just a song indeed and even heard it several times but it hit me inside in that moment because that was the last song my Nanay asked me to sing before she died.

A week after my Mom was discharged from the hospital, I was surprised when I saw her watched TV at the sala because normally, she was on bed everytime I got home from the office. On that day, she asked me what song I sang to her in those wee hours because she was relieved from it when she was attacked by severe pain on her stomach. I wonder what song it was as I sang worship songs to ease the pain at least. She narrated a sentence and it was I am the God that healeth thee. She even requested me to sing it again when she was about to sleep and I did. I can’t recall how many times I sang it but in the middle of it, she thanked me three times. I was touched and my heart sank because I can’t do anything for her everytime she was attacked by stomach pain except to embraced her and rubbed her stomach with prayer.

Days later, I was told that Nanay and her favorite son-in-law talked heart to heart and reconciled. She initiated the same as she was bothered at night that she needs to settle the issues between them. That act of reconciliation was an answered prayer to us because she completely released her resentment and forgiveness. We thanked God for hearing our prayers and now that she completely released it, looking forward for her complete healing.

After a week or two, God has given us the favor and the provision for Nanay's endoscopy. She was given special treatment the moment we entered the emergency room and everything was put into order. The doctor told us that Nanay will only have days to live and we are to be ready at any time because in his diagnosis, she suffered from Stage 4 Gastro CA. He can’t even believe that Nanay was still able despite of her condition as the masses found in her stomach and half of her pancreas were not incurred just recently but years ago. The pain tolerance of my Mom was superb. We focused more on her diabetes and we never thought that a stomachache became a CA. I believe that it was the grace of God that sustained her to live.

The flashed back stop it there and the thought followed, "In this pandemic, I am the God that healeth thee.". I stop for a while (sewing) and heard it again, "I am the God that healeth thee". Could it be Lord that this corona pandemic is not yet over because of hate and unforgiveness? I asked. I mean, I read articles and prophesies that it will end by this month and so forth but until now, it seems like the number of cases growing up. Could it be Lord that people were dying because of this? I added but no answer.

Though I can't fully understand about the matter, we are to remember that we have the God who heals us. Just like my Mom, after hearing the song I am the God that healeth thee, she was relieved from pain and as she keeps on hearing it, her spirit find peace and was able to sleep. God also healed her soul because after releasing forgiveness, she feels good. As to her body, she has chosen to be with God because she don't want us to worry about anything. She died beautifully and peacefully.

In this pandemic, have in mind that God is our healer and as He sent His word to heal our disease, it will not return unto Him void but it will accomplish to which it was sent.
