The Blueprint

Dreams.  Visions.  Is it a gift?  A blessing?  Or a curse?  Common questions I heard from those struggling and going through hardship seeing unusual things in the physical realm.  How about third eye?  Science says, it exists but I don't think so.  We only have two eyes for sure: physical eyes and spiritual eyes.  And for me, there is no such a thing as third eye.

While reading my diary from 1997 up to present, I noticed that 70% of writings were dreams.  It started when I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in October 1998.  Almost everyday, I have 3 to 5 dreams as maximum.  There were times that I woke up grasping my breath, exhausted, singing hymns and even puzzled of its interpretation.  At first, I don't care about it for it's just a dream but when I realized that my dream came to pass, I started searching its meaning and interpretation.

Prayer.  The only thing I did to ease my worries.  I have to entrust everything to God and let Him work in my behalf.  There were dreams that I can't understand so I shared it with my selected friends and we agreed in prayer to that. 

Struggling in interpreting dreams, I started asking God's wisdom, knowledge and understanding in everything.  I'm surfing the internet too for its meaning but still I've questions in mind.  I'm not satisfied at all because I felt like, it's not accurate.  I'm looking for something that can answer the questions despite knowing its meaning.  January 18, 2015, when I was at the library of the Bishop, I saw the book of How to Interpret Dreams and Visions by Perry Stone.  I was so delighted as God answered my prayer.  The administrator allowed me to borrow that book twice and it satisfied my desire.  It widen my understanding how to interpret dreams according to God's word. 

**"God is concerned about the details of our personal lives because circumstances affect our destiny." - #PerryStone

November 2004, I saw in my dream a bus tossed by the waves in the middle of the sea for the wind was contrary.  I don't know why a bus and not a ship.  It puzzled me for days because I can't understand its meaning.  When I shared it to my prayer partner, she was alarmed because it was a dream warning so we prayed immediately.  Her interpretation was right because after a week or two, we traveled via RORO vessel and we caught by typhoon in the middle of the sea.  Thanks God that we arrived safely to our destination.  It was a life and death experience for me but God's protection was there. If we didn't pray about it, maybe our destiny will end.

**"Always remember that people will never understand what you are sensing in the same way that you do."

Sometimes, I failed in this area.  I can't help myself to behave whenever I sense something that bothers me.  For so many years, I'm being accused or even mis-interpret my action when I ask something out of nowhere.  During my college days, I asked my special friend if something happened to him and his family during semester break.  He was surprised because we don't have any communication nor his friends knew about the death of his grandma and yet, I was asking him about it.  He even wonder whether I've supernatural power that I can even know his whereabout without seeing him.  From that day on, he kept distance from me.  It hurts me a bit and kind of embarrassed.  It's just a dream and I only want to confirm but he took it differently.  He's one among others and though I've learned my lesson from that experience, still, I can't avoid doing it again for others.

**"A person is not to live their life by dreams but by the word of God."

There were times that I've series of dream concerning ministry. It shows the attitude of serving God and the physical and spiritual preparation among others.  I just prayed that it will not happened though sometimes it can't be avoided.  There were times that I revealed my dream to them for awareness.  By prayer and by the grace of God, turning of events happened.

**"The scriptures make it clear that some self-acclaimed prophets can and will attempt to manipulate the hearts of innocent and sincere individuals with a false word and false dream."

Don't easily believe someone saying this to you, "I've never had a dream come true, it's all come true.".  I heard it years ago from my friend but until now, her dream never happened.  I believe, it is the prayer that works and the will of both parties involved never agreed on her dream.  Sometimes, mis-interpretation of dreams will bring disappointment to oneself. That's why in every dream, judge it by the word of God and the reputation of the dreamer.

To be honest, I did the same mistake too.  I mis-interpret dreams because of emotional issue.  Yes, I prayed but perhaps, I didn't listen carefully.  I just come up with a conclusion that hurt somebody which I regretted.  I learned my lesson from that.

**"Whether you experience a vision, a dream or a promonition, prayer is the key to understanding what is planned and, at times, to prevent a tragedy."

My mother died on October 24, 2018 due to gastric CA.  It was a sudden death but prior to that, I saw glimpse of it but I just ignored it.  Little did I know, her death was written in my diary in 2007 which amazed me when I read it.  I shared it to my sister and she told me that she also had a dream and she rebuked it.  I believe, it is our prayers that changed the situation.  It took about 11 years for us to be prepared for what is coming.

**"A dream from God will remain in your mind or spirit for long periods of time."

I have dreams years ago that are still vivid in my mind and in my heart  today.  From time to time, it flashes back in my memory.  There were times that I'm being familiar with the situation, then I realized that I dreamt it beforehand. 

**"To know whether or not your dream comes from God, you are to judge it by the word of God.  The greatest confirmation comes directly from the word of God.  If the dream instructs or implies that you are to act, speak or live in a way contrary to God's word, then it is not from the Lord.  Never doubt God's ability to speak today and to bring the insight needed for your protection, direction and inspiration, and never follow counterfeit men and methods that offer deception." - #PerryStone

As to the question whether or not it is a gift or a curse, my answer is a GIFT.  It is my blueprint to prepare what is coming and how to pursue the future.  Yes, it is scary sometimes to see weird and strange scene in a dream or a vision but I'm kind of used of it right now.  I even ignore it once in a while. 

If you are struggling about dreams and visions, **you should keep a notebook and pen close to you at all times, even when traveling.  If we maintain a teachable spirit in the process of moving toward the favor of God, we will always learn and step up to the next level of revelation for God's kingdom.  In the end, what God has revealed will come to pass and usually it happens very quickly.

** - Perry Stone
