A Sense of Purpose

Feeling alone. Outcast. Broken. Wounded. Suffocated of the issues of life. Why I was born in this age? Is there anybody who cares? What is the purpose of my existence?

About 3 years ago, I made an appointment with God to meet Him at Garin Farm. I got excited as He gave me the favor and provision as well as put all things into place. My heart was filled with joy because He granted my desire.

I was surprised when I saw the beach on our way to Garin Farm. It seems like I already went there though it was my first time. I was reminded of my dream and it amused me as it was so accurate. I thanked God for protecting us that we reached the place safe and sound.

Bear with me to share with you my divine encounter with God while on tour.

The first site we entered was the “Urban Farming” and the “Green Vegetable Tunnel”. Yes, it was stinky because of the livestock but it’s good to see them together. I’m not even familiar of other animals too. My niece really enjoyed the group of rabbits. Eggs were ready for harvest. Vegetables and hanging flowers were so beautiful and good to my eyes. I can’t recall how many steps we’ve walked in reaching out the next site but despite of being tired and panted, it was kind of refreshing walking down the tunnel because of its ambiance.

There were times that I kept my distance with my brother and my niece because I want to meet God since I made an appointment with Him. Though I’m enjoying the scenery, I kept on examining my heart and asking God, “where are you, Lord?”. I can’t exactly explain how it feels but what I’m after to at that time was to meet Him.

It was sunny day and windy. I was awed of the yellow green meadow when we reached the end of the tunnel. Then, I remembered the dream of my friend and even one of my dreams that I was walking down the green meadow. In the resting place, we read, “Want to live longer – feed your body (arrow pointing to the leisure site). What to live forever – feed your soul (arrow pointing to the pilgrimage). Want to enjoy life – this is the place.” Yes, we want to enjoy life so we decided to rest for a while to regain our strength. We inquired also what they could offer and they have zip lining, boating or kayak, horse riding and restaurant among others. We chose not to buy tickets for the moment because we wanted to enter the pilgrimage first.

“Humility is the Key to Eternity”, the inscription at the entrance of the pilgrimage. I believe, we uttered silent prayer before entering that place. When we entered the arc, the Garden of Eden welcomed us where the animals, Adam and Eve were created. Noah’s Ark was slightly deceptive but we enjoyed the presence of the animals too. The prophet Moses was there alone with the Ten Commandments in his hands. The journey to heaven begins with the 480 steps towards the giant cross. The scenarios in both sides of the stairs were the sculptures or life size statues portraying the scene of the life of Jesus Christ that will make you feel that you were present at that time. Seeing the happiness in the face of my niece made me think of my other nephews and nieces too. If only they were with us, they too will experience the pilgrimage. I believe, one day, we can do that.

There’s not much in the Old Testament to describe with because the next scene was the nativity of Jesus Christ followed by his baptism through St. John the Baptist at the Jordan River. In every station, we stop, took pictures and appreciate the brilliance of the sculptures made. I was stuck at the Triumphant Entry but after we left for the next station, I went back without knowing the reason. A flashback happened in seconds and I know in my heart that I have to write something about it. Next was the Last Supper, the Gethsemane, the scourging at the villa, then the Crucifixion. The Calvary was quite far among the other stations because you have to take a walk for about 30 to 50 meters, more or less. If you are not aware of the life of Jesus Christ, you can’t notice the Burial scene because there is nothing there except the tomb. While approaching the Resurrection station, a butterfly led the way. What amazes me was, the nearer we were, the more butterflies flying around and it stayed there more than the other stations. I was delighted as the symbolism of that station was powerful. The last destination was the Ascension then the giant Cross.

After reaching the cross, entering the Dark Meditation Tunnel will be next. We didn’t enter immediately due to self-preparation. Though we’re not afraid of the dark but it feels like something will take place. When we’re ready, we walked silently. Yes, it was dark but there were tiny lights on the ground that led us where to go so it’s not scary at all. The end of that dark tunnel was the icon of Jesus Christ that shines in the dark. I was trembled because the presence of God was so powerful. There were group of elders praying so we waited for a while and when they left, that was the time I sat and loudly wept inside. I felt like, my strength was gone and I can’t stand anymore. Tears flowed from my eyes as my heart was filled with joy because of His grace and mercy towards me though I’m a sinner. His great love amazes me and while listening the hallelujah music being played, I was comforted.

We went out the door towards heaven and there, St. Peter welcomed us as well as all the saints and angels. I was impressed of its beauty. It’s not the real heaven yet I can’t look directly to the Trinity. The sun was up and all we see were the white sculptures so it’s really painful to our eyes. We don’t have any sunglasses or any cover to ease the heat and the light. If I can’t directly stand in this kind of light, how much more in the real throne of God.  I can’t even imagine how it looks like. Who then could stand in the presence and the glory of God? The saints and all angels were worshipping God day and night in the real heaven. It was such a powerful and trembling heaven-like experience.

After seeing heaven, an arrow pointing outside and inscriptions that says, “Back to the world. Your time has not yet come. Go back to the world and bear witness to the truth that there is ETERNAL LIFE after our temporary earthly life….” We went out through the narrow gate and rested for a while then had fellowshipping with other tourists. After that, we traversed the stairways again and we enjoyed the leisure site. We had our boat riding or kayak and felt so fulfilled. We wanted to try horse riding but our time was limited as we have to attend the graduation ceremony. Maybe next time, we can do that by the grace of God.

As we passed through the Green Vegetable Tunnel going out, I heard an explanation what we went through in our tour. It was the same tunnel where I asked, “Where are you, Lord?” It was explained to me simultaneously and as I was listening, I’m receiving insights.

Urban Farming and Green Vegetable Tunnel represents the livelihood of the people. It illustrates how to live a life in this world: work for food to eat and drink, cultivate the ground, grow in business and the innovation way of living.

Leisure represents the pleasures the world may offer. To enjoy life while there is time, appreciate the beauty of creation and to explore the world.

Pilgrimage represents the love of God. It signifies the plans of God to bless His people and not to harm them, to give them a hope and a future that’s why He gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to the world to seek and save the lost. This is the changing part of life because the goodness of the Lord will led us to repentance. In God, there is no condemnation and those who come to Him with a repentant heart, He forgives.

Dark Meditation Tunnel represents the trials and tribulation after knowing Christ. John 16:33 says, “In the world, you will have tribulation but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Faith, commitment, loyalty and faithfulness, among others will be tested “but those who stands firm to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 24:13)

Heaven represents the throne of God. People from every tribe and nation will face the white throne judgment of God. Those who are faithful will hear their Master saying, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness! (Matthew 25:23)

Back to the world represents the testimonies being proclaim. Testimonies about God’s goodness and faithfulness will help people know and believe that God really exist and His love towards His people cannot be fathomed.

Did I meet God in Garin Farm? Many times. He showed things to fully understand the purpose of life, the cycle of life and how He respect the free will He gave us. The first part of the tour was the life before knowing Christ. He gave us the decision to make whether we are going to remain in the world without knowing Him or will choose to take part of His life. The second part was the life after knowing Christ. Though we face trials and tribulations in following God’s ways and purposes, there is great reward if we endure until the end.

If you plan to visit Garin Farm, prepare yourself in meeting God and may you have a divine encounter with Him.
