Leadership Trial

One of the struggles of a leader is to see the disciples leaving the ministry one by one. For what reason? Could it be for a job, for studies, family, personal issues, co-workers and even because of the leader also? Whatever the reasons may be, each and everyone is responsible of that act.
Being a leader is not an easy task. Yes, you have the title and in the eyes of mankind, it's quite big deal to be boasted of but the responsibilities of being one is more valuable than title. You have to handle per pressures, resolve problems that are not your problems, not to mention criticism and malign tongues around you and above all, your accountability to God because He expects more on the leader than members.
Years ago, John 15:1-8 was impressed in my heart for a week. At first, it doesn't bother me because I understood what it meant but when I learned that some of my juniors were about to quit the ministry, this scripture saved me though I was kind of devastated.
For what reason? Am I one of the factors why they will leave the ministry all of the sudden? I thought, everything is okay because they've surpassed the challenges I gave them, but how come? What about the knowledge and words of wisdom I imparted to them, will it be in vain? Those were the questions I raised to God with a troubled heart.
I didn't call for an emergency meeting which I normally do everytime I have to resolve problem. I have to control my emotion because I don't want to deal it with my feelings alone. With so many thoughts crossed my mind, I tend to believe that it's all my fault because I was kind of lenient to them knowing that they can handle things even without my supervision.
I was hurt, so badly. I felt like I'm a failure. I want to shout-out but I can't. I kept things in my heart as well as in my prayer and I was reminded of John 15:1-8 again. No wonder it was impressed in my heart first. I never thought that it would prepare me for such a time as this. It took me weeks to finally addressed the problem and it is by the grace and mercy of God.
Instead of a meeting, I gathered them in one of Saturday's practice and shared to them John 15:1-8. I was kind of nervous because I'm not certain if they will receive the same revelation I received. What I know at that time was, I have to share it to them that they will understand that ministry is not our own but of God.
V1 - "I am the true vine and my Father is a vinedresser."
Literally speaking, it's easy to understand, right? No need to expound. Who is the true vine? Jesus is the true vine. Why you are here in the ministry? What is your purpose? To serve God.
V2 - "Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bear fruit He prunes, that it may bear much fruit."
We are that branch, connected to Jesus being the head of the church. If we don't bear fruit, if we don't grow in our commitment to God, if we don't change our attitude towards the ministry, He takes away. Does it mean that we are to leave the ministry? Absolutely, not. We were not given much responsibility because we are not faithful to it. What about those you are faithful? Why would the Father prunes them? It is for our own good, to be a better person and to be what God wants us to be. Pruning is like correction. There were times that we need to be corrected even though we have good intentions. I was cut so many times and it was kind of hurting and frustrating but I was always reminded that it should be according to God's will and not my own. Proverbs 3:12 says that God corrects those He love. So corrections, disciplinary actions were part of pruning. Be grateful because God loves you and He don't want you to lose.
V3 - "You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you."
Everytime we asked God's forgiveness, He is always there to forgive us, right? We have been cleansed by the blood of the Lamb. So for the backslider, you don't have to feel ashame to go back because if you realize your mistake and ask the forgiveness of God, He is more willing to forgive you.
V4 - "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
V5 - "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing."
V6 - "If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned."
It says that, we can't do nothing apart from God. If we lost our love to God, lost our love for the ministry, lost our connection to Jesus, what will happen? Look at those who left the ministry and never came back, what happened to them? I mean, not all but those who left the ministry due to rebellion became black sheep of the family and even became a worst person.
V7 - "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you."
V8 - "By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.
We glorify God if we grow in love to Him and our ministry. Who will be the next you if you will not train someone under you? That's why, discipleship is very important. The training should not stop in your generation but it has to be passed on to the next generation.
Before I dismissed them, I gave further words of encouragement for them to ponder whether is it worth leave the ministry.
I did my best to addressed the situation and I know that God did the rest for me. Their attempted quitting the ministry did not happen and they're still serving God until today.
"It's not your fault. Each and everyone of you is responsible of your own actions."
