By The Most Rev. Ricardo M Alcaraz, D.D.
February 2, 2020
I believe what God says.
I choose to say what God is saying.
The Lord is my Healer. He takes sickness away from my midst.
I serve the Lord my God. Not only will He bless my bread and water, but he will take sickness away from me.
Christ was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement for our peace was laid on him, and by His stripes, I am healed. We are healed.
I decree and declare that what God says is true in my life. And because the law of the spirit of life in Christ lives in me, moves in me, it delivers me from the law of sin and death. Because the spirit of the Lord is in me, He quickens and gives life to my mortal flesh by His spirit within me. Every disease, germ, virus and bacteria that comes in contact with my body dies instantly in the Name of Jesus.
I will not fear for God is with me. I will not be dismayed for He is my God. He is the one helping me. He is the one strengthening me. He is the one upholding me with His righteous right Hand and I will praise the Lord, my God. Amen.
