A Soldier By Heart

It’s been years but my dream is still vivid in my mind.  I thought at that time, it was just a warning of civil war, yet, it was also a warning of the departure of my brother.

I was walking down the street when I observed strange tiny movements of lights in the sky.  At first, it looks like fireworks display as the light were clashing and flashing but when the lights became closer, I saw numerous fighting jets coming my way.  I was stunned because I don’t know exactly what’s going on because it was an ordinary and peaceful day and all of the sudden, it become chaos.  

I saw dark smokes, people were being harassed by armed men even to their own houses.  They were hunting people and violently hurt them.  Children were crying.  Families were divided and they were looking after their respective members.  I run and hide.  I was able to rescued children and hide them.  Later on, I heard my name being called.  Somebody was looking for me outside.  I was hesitant to go out but when I confirmed that they were soldiers, I went out.  When I asked them why they were looking for me, they answered that my brother ordered them to look for me.

I was surprised when I met my so called “brother”.  He was in military uniform and a battalion who followed his order.  I even saw the two visible holes in his heart like five peso coin each in size.  It was kind of strange because he was still standing in form with that condition and he was not running out of blood.  I never saw him in pain.  He looked like a strong person without wounds.  He was still snappy and brave as if he was not injured.  I’ve so many questions to ask but I kept silent.  I just followed him when he told me to have a walk and commanded his troop to secure and guard the place while he was talking to me in private.  We had our conversation but I can’t recall what we've talked about.  We were interrupted by his subordinates later on as they need to report important matters to my brother.  After their short meeting, my brother told me that they need to leave soon because something came up.  He ordered his troops to be ready and after exchanging goodbye, they leave immediately.

I interpreted this dream literally years ago but last year, it flashed back again and I received understanding most especially the connection of my dream to the sudden death of my brother.

2016 was the year of war zone for us as the family encountered emotional crisis at that time.  We were able to handle the affairs of the family by the grace and mercy of God.  In October 2016, if I remember it right, my sister-in-law called me up about 3 or 4 in the morning, asking for help to locate my brother because they have no communication for several days and she doesn’t know his whereabouts.  I tried to contact him several times but proved futile.  Doubts and worries played in my mind but I was praying and hoping that my brother is safe and alive.  Afterwards, I was relieved when I contacted him and had our conversation.

A week or two before his sudden death, he called me up but wasn’t able to attend to his call due to other commitments.  I didn’t even bother to return call because of other matters to attend to and I also forgot.  Our communication was not constant due to different time schedule of work.  He often called us up whenever he has free time.  The holes in his left chest or in his heart were real because the last time we talked, I asked the condition of his heart and he told me that it’s okay already.  No enlargement nor holes so we don’t need to worry because he has a normal heart condition but when I checked his medical records during the wake, I found out that the result of his chest PA were tampered for three years.  According to his colleague, there were times that he encountered heartache but he don’t mind to have a check-up.  He kept in his heart everything so we have no idea what was the condition of his heart before he died.

If only I could bring back the time and did not take my dream lightly, maybe, it was prevented.  Proper interpretation of dreams is one of my desires but I have to pay to price in order to get it.   I’m still in the process of learning and studying.  I hope that one day, I will have it.
