The Adventurous Trip

“After being in business for so many years, I picked up two principles.  One is to take a step back and you will find a new solution.  The other one is blessing in disguise.” – Li Zhongmou

When I was dealing with emotional crisis in March 2019, the above-stated words of wisdom crossed into my mind.  I know that it’s not easy to step back during that time but I have to do so as I need some fresh air to breathe because I felt like being choked of the situation I was in.  When I asked God for at least one day of rest or vacation, opportunities began to open. 

Going to a place unknown to me was kind of exciting but it worries my family because I’ll be travelling alone.  Well, I prayed about it, I have my God to protect me and I’ve a friend to visit.  After fulfilling all my duties and responsibilities, I took the challenge.

God has so many ways in dealing with our weaknesses.  He’s so gentle enough to make me realize that He knew exactly how it feels when I was hurt and struggling in life.  

While on board the boat, He showed me the life of missionaries and how they paid the price just to proclaim the gospel of Christ.  It broke my heart.  After receiving the word, I offered prayer for the missionaries and the hardship they endured in doing the work of the ministry. 

When I reached Carabao Island, I was amazed of its beauty and virginity.  It was peaceful and calm.  People living there have simple life and basic living, which I love.  It was not crowded and you can enjoy its serenity.  I knew in my heart that it was the place I need to go to.  God ordered my steps and delighted my ways because He prepared everything into place.  

                                                                morning walk on the shore

                                                                     the untouched forest

While riding the motorcycle, I was praying in tongues as the sloping road was kind of dangerous for me.  I was afraid to fell down on the cliff if the driver was not good but thanks be to God and the angels that I arrived safe and sound at the place of my friend. 

The place was so familiar to me as if, it’s not my first time.  I love the peacefulness of the place.  It was indeed an answered prayer for me because I badly needed it for the peace of mind.  Jackie and her family welcomed me warmly at their house and we had a blissful night.  Her father was surprised when he knew that I travelled alone.  Well, I love traveling alone most especially if I need peace of mind.  We talked about family, work and ministry.  If only I’ve enough time to stay, I will stay but I’ve to face my own battle so it’s just overnight.  I thanked God for His goodness and faithfulness because everything went well.  Before leaving the house, I prayed for Jackie’s family and blessed them.  

                                                                         Jackie's Family

While traversing the hilly portion of the road, I was reminded of my dream I think, last year or early this year.  I’m not so sure.  I laughed inside because it was exactly the same place in my dream.  I was telling Jackie that I dreamt their place that’s why it looks like familiar to me.

With the help of a tourist guide, I was able to wander the island for about four (4) hours.  I was awed of its beauty.  It was such a beautiful island eventhough it wasn’t develop yet.  If you want to isolate yourself from a busy world, it is a good place for you.   The ambiance of the beaches, the overview of the island, the rock formations, the caves and the corals among others are really good.  If only I have enough money, I would like to invest there as business opportunities is kind of rare.  No wonder people there seek job opportunities in Boracay Island because even basic commodities are hard to find.  

my tour guide

When we stop over at the plaza, my dream flashed back in full.  I’m beginning to analyze everything and found out the answer but what I regretted the most was, I wasn’t able to check my attendance in the house of God which I normally do.  We need to rush in going to the port for me to catch the boat back to the mainland.  Thanks to my tour guide who exhorted all his effort for me to be included in the overloaded boat and I was able to get home on time.

People find it weird when you travel alone but not for me.  I enjoyed my most adventurous trip and I would consider it as my “buwis-buhay” journey in life.  I know that I did not travel alone in Carabao Island because God set things into place. He uses people to help me in any way and His angels who protected me and guide me in everything.  I know that God has something to that island and He has purpose why I was there.  I was speaking in tongues and in understanding while having my tour there and I believe that His word will not return unto Him void but it will accomplish to which it was sent.
