Prophecy on September 21, 2014

The Lord would say unto us:
Walk with a tender heart towards one another. Be willing to know your faults and focus your faith, focus your view upon the grace that was given to you and the grace that was given unto others. My grace is working exceedingly, mightily in you. Understand that it is also working exceedingly, mightily in the lives of others. Pray for them. Believe the best for them and hope the best for them.
Choose the way of life. That is the way I have chosen for you, says the Lord. Do not walk in anger nor bitterness. Do not allow the fruits of these to grow in your lives but walk in love, walk in tender heartedness and walk with one another, says the Lord.

Prophecy on September 21, 2014
Sunday Worship
Together Serving The Sovereign Lord
Abp Ricardo Alcaraz
