Dealing With Spirits

Correct me if I’m wrong and don’t get me wrong on this.  Aside from lovelife, one of the top and interesting stories we talk about is mystical, right?  Is it true or imagination or just superstitious beliefs?  We commonly raise that question, right?     

We are so familiar of what demons can do to us, their power and their ability to destroy mankind.  We can see that in the movies, hear over the radio and read it online.  The thing is, are we familiar of what we can do to them, what power and authority we have in Christ Jesus to defeat them and how to deal with them properly?  I do hope that we know because if not, we can be their subject anytime.  I’m not saying that I’m expert on this.  No.  I am not.  I’m still in the process of working out my salvation and one of the benefits that we have in Christ Jesus is that, we have the power and authority to trample on snakes and scorpions (Luke 10:19) including putting satan under our feet.  The enemy is already defeated by the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and it’s up to us to continually walk victoriously. 

I remember the gathering we had that we talked about familiar spirits, horror stories, mystical and other forms of fallen angels.  One of my colleagues talked about the familiar spirits roaming their house that though their house has been blessed, still, her children were able to see them.  I mean, for some, they called it, third eye but for me, their spiritual eyes were open that they were able to see supernatural not only in their house but also wherever they go.  When I heard their story, I started praying for their family and their house for their salvation, protection and plead the blood of Jesus to cover them and deliver them from all harm. 

I can’t recall if this dream happened in successive nights or just a night but I dreamt it after we had that gathering.  I had series of teaching in my dream how to cast out demons and guess who the teacher was, it’s the foul spirit himself.  Sounds weird?  Yes.  Even I, can’t believed it but what he taught me was biblical.  Of course, demons knew about the word of God.  We can read that in the bible most especially in the gospel of Christ and in the book of Acts. 

The scene in my dream was, I saw familiar spirits in the house of my colleagues.  They were doing nothing at first.  They were polite and one of them talked to me.  My initial reaction was rebuked him and used the name of Jesus to leave the house.  Though I’ve faith of what I did, I’ve fear at the same time.  He said that I can’t cast them out because they were resident there and the owner of the property so they have the rights to live in that house.  Since I was in the battlefield, I have to stand the ground.  I intercede and asked God’s help.  The next scene was, the spirits were kind of violent already.  They were trying to harm people in the house to create fear and anxiety to leave their place.  Again, war zone and the spirit laughed because we can’t cast them out due to their rights though he was kind of affected of the rebuke because I already used the authority as a child of God.  He told me that it should not be me doing it and insisted that the people presently living in the house should do it.   If they will leave the house because of me, it will just be temporary and they will come back again and worse will going to happen (Matthew 12:43-45).  So what I did, I instructed the family what to do and in unity, we entered the battlefield.  We prayed, we interceded and rebuked the foul spirits.  Again, he appeared and told me that we cannot cast them out totally because we failed to know their identity.  You know, I don’t have any training for exorcism but what I only knew is that, the name of Jesus is above every name and every knee shall bow down before Him in heaven and on earth and under the earth (Phil. 2:10); that using the name of Jesus is powerful than anything else and that the blood of Jesus saves and protects.  That’s all I knew.  I knew about the accounts of casting out demons in the New Testament, heard stories and testimonies but I don’t have any actual experience of having an encounter with foul spirits though in my personal prayer I did but not face to face.  That’s why I was so amazed of my dream that I was able to learned from him the order of casting them out.  Isn’t that silly thing?  The last thing he taught me was, we have to cast them out with faith without fear and doubt, with authority and dominion as well as to identify them properly.  He was telling me with shrink voice because we used against him what he taught me.  It seems like, he regretted telling me the secret.  I together with the family as well as other people around the area prayed and intercede, rebuked and cast them all.  It was such an intensified battle that those foul and unfamiliar spirits left the house violently. 

From that day on, I use the pattern I received in that dream and it is effective.  As to my colleagues, I did not tell her the dream but only the revelation I received and gave her a prayer. 

      I know, it was just a dream but what he taught me can be found in the Word of God and it widens my understanding concerning battle in spiritual realm.  You can check that in Luke 8:27-39 and Mark chapter 5.   If you are going to study the scriptures, you will find more about Jesus and disciples casting out demons.  If they made it before, I believe, we can make it also today for Jesus said in John 14:12-14 12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
