The Mantle of Responsibility

Such an honor to be given an opportunity to hold the cope of the Primate for a reason. So, what’s the big deal? Not everyone is given that chance unless you are a chaplain or an acolyte.

I remember the first time I repaired one of the copes, I think, it was two years ago, I’m not sure. I was delighted of the chance given to me because one way or the other, I desire to make one. I don’t know how to do vestments but I want to learn how so I said to myself then, that one day, I can do it. I can’t explain the joy I felt during that time because a once desire became a real thing now.

On April 6, 2019, Dcn. Mel gave me the red cope of Primate Dick to repair something on the clasp and I did. When I tried to lift the cope, it was so heavy. My hands cannot raise it for a long time. It was too painful for my shoulder to hang up on the air. I was bothered inside because I can’t bear the heaviness if I’m going to wear it. I was wondering how the Primate tolerates the heaviness of that cope since he is wearing it every Sunday. I mean, he wears it smartly. You can’t see him bothered while wearing it. While folding the cope, I heard a voice saying, “You begin to understand now the heaviness your Primate is carrying on his shoulder?” I was stunned. What? Come again? I said. The voice continued, “That’s why you need to pray more for your Primate for he is doing uneasy task.” .

What I heard broke my heart and made me cry at that moment then I uttered short prayer for him and the bishops. I fully understood the message and it deepen my understanding to pray for the Primate for such a time as this. I mean, I really don’t know the real situation is. I don’t have access on that but what I know is that, being an overseer and addressing problems on the governance of the church is really not an easy task.

I was amazed how the Primate endures to wear that heavy cope every Sunday. It’s kind of exhausting for me and kind of hot for sure but he wears it smartly and with integrity. You can’t see him wearing it uncomfortably. It seems like, the cope is comfortable and manageable though in fact, it is not at least, for me.
(CCSM FB Page)

While placing the cope on the plastic bag, I was led in Matthew 11: 30 that says, “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” When I read this scripture, I felt relieved. I realized then the reason why the Primate acted that way (wearing the cope comfortably) is because for me, he fully understood that the yoke of God is easy and His burden is light. No wonder why he wears that heavy cope smartly and with integrity is because he find rest in God.

I am still overwhelmed of this encounter with God. I mean, it was just a sewing job but I experienced extraordinary that I didn’t expect and I’m grateful because it widen my understanding that the cope wearing by the bishops is not just an ordinary cope for it signifies the dignity and royalty to represent the King – Jesus Christ and to carry out the governance of the Church. To God be the glory!

-April 15, 2019-
