When God Chose To Manifest Himself

Upper Room Worship
April 26, 2018

It's not about the place.  It's not about religion.  It's not about of who you are but it's all about the preparation of the heart.  2 Chronicles 16:9a (NIV) says, "For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him."  When God chose to reveal Himself to us, expect greater things will happen.

I can’t help it, I was still in awe while on my way home from the Upper Room Worship.  Kind of overwhelming and I was so amazed of the miracle happened while worshipping God.  This is not my story.  This is the testimony of Rodel Rafols, a member of the Church of St. Joseph, the Worker.  He was invited by his bestfriend Meggy and as a first timer in the Upper Room, he experienced instant healing while worshipping God.  It was really a breakthrough not only for him but also for us.  His testimony is really indeed a manifestation of God’s grace and glory. 

Weeks before the Upper Room Worship, Rodel was suffering from oppression and depression.  He was even in the state of suicidal.  He was declared dead for few hours in the hospital but came to life when he was in the morgue.  He has bone fracture on his right foot when he came to the Upper Room.  In his dark situation, Meggy is always to the rescue, encouraging him, giving him the scriptures and urged him to attend the upper room worship to lighten the burden he was carrying on.  He never had a second thought of going for he also wants a new environment.

When he entered Selah, he felt a good aura of the place.  It was peaceful and good for his soul.  The room was in dim light.  They were early birds so only few were there.  He sat on a corner and having a quiet time when he saw a man dressed in white walking around the room.  He was trying to figure out who is this man but he can’t see the face.  He just ignored what he saw and settled his heart for the worship as the prelude was going on.

The song 10,000 Reasons was being played and he remembered that this song was his LSS.  I was naïve of this word so I asked, “What is LSS?” and he replied with a smile “Last Song Syndrome.”  The chorus of the song “Bless the Lord O my soul, O my soul, worship His Holy Name, sing like never before O my soul, I’ll worship His Holy Name” was being played in his mind over and over again when he was under attack of oppression.  He badly wanted to know the song then but to no avail so when he heard it being sang in the worship, he was delighted and there was so much joy in heart.  His eyes were closed while listening to the song when he still saw the figure of the man dressed in white walked towards the place of the musicians and one by one, he laid his hand on their head.  Then, each and everyone in the upper room, he touched their head except for Meggy, his bestfriend, the man tapped her shoulder.  He can’t see the face of the man who also touched his head because his face shines.  He sat down on a corner again and started crying.  He prayed, “God, if it is you, let the pain I’m going through be gone.”

Like the song “No Longer Slaves” by Bethel Music, Rodel was unravelled with a melody.  God surrounded him with a song of deliverance until all his fears have gone.  He was able to claim that he is no longer slave of oppression and depression because he knew that he is a child of God and that he was chosen and loved by God.  He has been born again into a family through Jesus Christ and by the blood of the Lamb that flows through his veins, he was healed.  Yes, he was healed because in this song, he felt something in his injured foot.  It seems like, his foot has been twisted and his fracture has been fixed to normal.  He didn’t feel the pain anymore and he was even stamping it.  He was really surprised because it was too fast.  He could not believe of the instant miracle that happened.  Earlier that day, they came from the doctor and he was advice to rest within three (3) days for he will undergo operation but well, not anymore because according to him, he will go back to the hospital and will tell the doctor that he don’t need the operation anymore because he received an instant healing.  Thank you Jesus.     

In the song Heal Our Land, I saw Rodel in front of me, on my left side, still with the bondage on his foot.  I never knew then that he has bone fracture.  I just sensed in my prayer that he has sprain on his foot.  I’m tempted to touch it, to take off the bondage as an act of instant healing but I chose not, instead, I prayed silently for his healing, that the bones, joint and nerve will be restored back and be healed.  I never knew that that moment, he was already healed as he was already stamping his right foot and started jumping praising God.  He was so amazed of God’s healing that he almost dancing in the song God is Good all the Time. 

After the worship, he was still on fire.  Only three of us stayed in the room as some of us went outside for snacks.  It was only then that I knew his story when Meggy introduced me to him.  He was jumping in front of me and stamping the ground to prove that he is already healed.  I can see the happiness on his face.  He was so overwhelmed and grateful that he was healed.  He has more stories to tell but I have to say goodbye for it was already late at night and I don’t have transportation to go home if I stay longer.  I failed to pray for him as I was very emotional too.  I found out later that he was able to talk to Dcn. Heinz and they prayed.  I was relieved then and thanked God for the healing breakthrough.   To God be the glory!
