What is the Season of Lent to us?  A time of reflection and a time of self-examination?  Well, for me, it's my favorite season.  Why?  Because I love the color, I love the ambiance and I love the solemnity of everything.  

For this year, I can't say that I totally passed the test of the season because I struggled so much dealing with my emotion.  I hardly fought for the spirit of hate, taming my tongue and dealing with the issues of life.  I am pouring out my heart to God because I don’t want what I felt, what I experienced and what I am doing.  I really don’t want it!!!  I even hate myself because I failed to pass the temptation and the test.  I often asked God’s forgiveness, mercy and grace everytime I am convicted inside. 

Holy Week, I was still in the battle.  I asked God to deal with my emotions because I don’t want it.  I don’t like what I’m going through.  I was like a volcano that ready to burst forth but by the grace of God, I was able to control myself.  God’s grace is greater in me and it really abounds to me.   I asked God to take away this bad feeling, bad attitude in me because I don’t want it.  I want to be healed, to be healed completely.  I want to be whole again and thank you Lord for the inner healing of emotions, memories and relationship. 

Holy Wednesday, the Healing Service.  I am expecting God will do something or greater things in the service.  I don’t know if He will do the same as He did for three consecutive years but what He did for this year really addressed my need.  Yes, not just my need but also the needs of the people who are coming to church and seeking for healing.

Before the Ministry of Healing, Primate Ricardo M. Alcaraz led spontaneous prayer to us.  The prayer for the healing of the spirit and healing of the soul.  He said that this is what God want him to do first before the ministry of healing to be given.  The people need the healing of the spirit first, the healing of the soul and then the healing of the body follows.  He told us to repeat the prayer after him and we did.  I jotted down the prayer while following him.  The prayer was so powerful that I was chilling while writing it.  I mean, it was really alive.  I really wanted to cry, to be honest.  The prayer pierced me.  It’s like, For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (Heb. 4:12)  I was super relieved after the prayer.  The burden weighted down and it was like whew!  Thank you Lord!

Before the prayer took place, I have in mind not to fall in line for the personal healing because I was not sick physically but will go for standing in behalf of others.  When the Primate explained the prayer to be uttered, this is what I need, I said because for the entire week or the entire season, I went through so much pain, hurt and hate.  I really needed it.  That’s the reason why I have to write down the prayer because I know, it’s not only I who needed it the most but also the members of my family, my friends and those who need healing as well as those who are seeking to be healed.

I encourage you to pray the prayers written below with the heart, with faith and with confidence that you have received it.  It worked in my life and I believe, it will work also in you.  For Hebrews 4:16 says, Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”


Prayer for the Healing of the Spirit

Almighty God, I thank you for loving us.  Thank you that you sent Your only Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins so that those who would believe in him would not perish but will have an everlasting life. 

Forgive me, O Lord, for all my transgressions and for all my sins.  Receive me once again in your presence even as I surrendered my life to you, again, I say, not only be my Savior but be the Lord of my life.  From now on, I am yours.  From now on, let your will be done in my life just as Jesus prayed, "not my will but yours be done".  And I thank you, Father, that you have blessed me, you have forgiven me, you have adopted me as your child, you have made me your heir, you have made me a joint heir together with Jesus Christ.  Because Jesus Christ bore my sins and unrighteousness, you have clothed me and given me your righteousness that I can truly say, I am the righteousness of God in Christ. 

Thank you for the Holy Spirit, anoint me, baptize me, and empower me that I might live a life that you have given me on the earth, that I might give glory, honor and praise to you as long as I live, in Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer for the Healing of the Soul

Almighty God, we see in your word that Jesus being our Shepherd, one of His ministries is to restore our soul.  O God Almighty, I thank you that you have forgiven me.  I ask also for the same grace for us to forgive others as you have forgiven us. 

And so, from this point forward, as an act of my will, I choose to release those who have offended me.  I forgive them.  I loose them.  I do not pray for any pay backs against them.  I pray for your mercy upon them as you have had mercy on me, O God. 

I pray for your mercy upon them and as an act of my will, I loose from my soul all hurts, all pains - pain of rejection, pain of failure.  I loose from my soul all negative words spoken against me, for words that I have spoken against another.  I loose from my soul the idols I’ve gone through, those things that are against you, for anything of darkness.  I do not want them anymore.  All I want are your things, your blessings, anything of the kingdom of God and if there is anything there that is not of the kingdom, I do not want them and I loose them from my soul.  And I ask, O God that you would heal of my soul.  As an act of my will, I bind to my soul your forgiveness, your grace, your compassion, your mercy, your peace, the fear of the Lord, the joy of the Lord, the power of the Lord.  I bind to my soul the love of God and I thank you for the blood of Christ that will sealed me completely, spirit, soul and body in Jesus name. Amen.
