The Language of Heaven

“I noticed something else in heaven: music was everywhere.  People in the various villages and cities were praising God in song.  One village would sing one song.  Another village would sing a different song.  As I went up in the air, I could hear music from the different villages at the same time, yet they were all singing in concert.  The higher I went, the more villages I could hear, yet everyone seemed to be singing the same song in perfect harmony.” – Richard Sigmund.  My Time in Heaven.

I was so awed of the description of heaven.  I can’t fathom how things work in heaven because it is so amazing.  If I’m going to use my wildest imagination, heaven is so very awesome and very beautiful.

When I read the above-stated excerpt of the book on June 25, 2013, it really bothered me because it was kind of weird for me.  Think about it, how can you explain that one village sing one song and the other village sing a different song yet you could hear music in perfect harmony and singing the same song?  How could it be?  It really puzzled me but I kept it in mind and asked God to give me the wisdom and understanding.  Of course He didn’t answer the questions right away but I’m grateful that He let me experience how it works. 

I only asked God “how could it be?”  It’s just one question and I believe, one answer is enough but no, He gave me series of answer one step at a time but one thing is constant, it always happened during the worship in the spirit.     

While pondering the book I read, I was led to the Lord’s Prayer that says: “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”.  We normally pray that, right?  That moment gave me a deeper understanding that how they do in heaven, we are also doing on the earth.  Again, there was silence when I asked, “how could it be?”.

In one of the services, I was worshipping God in the spirit when I heard in my heart “This is how it is done in heaven”.  I was amazed because at that time, the congregation were praising and worshipping God in the spirit and in understanding.  As I kept on listening to them, it sounds good because the tongues and understanding blend together like music to my ears.  I was enjoying the moment when I was reminded of the above-stated testimony.  “So this is it, Lord.” I said.  “Wow!  This is how it is done in heaven.  When every tongue, every tribe, every people in the land giving glory, giving honor and giving praise to God, it become a perfect harmony”.  Then I was reminded of what Bishop Dick shared to us long ago, that when we come into the presence of God and began to worship Him, in daylight or in night-time, in different time zone or wherever we are, we are one in the spirit.

Years passed, I thought, that experience was already the answer of what I asked of God, but no, He is not yet done.   After the praise and worship in one of our Ladies Fellowship, I heard the ladies praising and worshipping God in unison but in reality, they were speaking in tongues or worshipping God in tongues and in understanding at the same time.  I even heard different supplications though they were worshipping in tongues and one of the elderly there pouring out her heart to God.   She was praying so hard and so deep with her loveone.  I don’t know what she was going through at that time but she was asking God to work in the life of that person.  To be honest, I just don’t mind what happened because I fully understand that speaking in tongues is not talking to men but to God.

Another was during the corporate prayer of the Holy Society of King David when we were speaking in tongues in five minutes.  I heard on my back one of the Deacons praising God of His awesomeness in understanding.  I was surprised because for me, speaking in tongues is normal but to understand it one way or the other, it’s awesome.  I really wanted to ask the Deacon if the cry of his heart was the same as what I’ve heard but I was hesitant because I have fear to be mis-interpreted again and maybe, it was just me so I just kept everything in my heart.

You know, I never expect God to bring me to the highest level of answering my query because I’m already satisfied of the first revelation He shown me.  The second, third and fourth experience are also enough but I believe, God want me to fully understand how things work in heaven or to go through it.

On March 24, 2018, in our Ladies Prayer Retreat Saturday devotion, I can’t get over of my experience during the worship in the spirit.  That was so heavenly and unexplainable moment.  There were no instruments inside the chapel to play with nor sound effects but only voices worshipping God in tongues and in understanding.  The worship in the spirit was so powerful that I even heard the sounds of the trumpet or the shofar three times.  The first and third sounds were the same while the second sound was different.    At first, I heard different kinds of tongues, in different melodies and rhythm but all of the sudden, it become unison and I heard the blow of the trumpet or the shofar at the same time.  The higher the worship is so is the blast and the first one was the highest trumpet blast I ever heard that sounds good to my ears.  It was really a perfect harmony and I don’t have enough words to describe it but don’t worry, I will make a separate blog to write in details what happened during that day.

I was still in awe of the experiences I have because it was one of the kind experiences most especially during the worship in the spirit.  Speaking in tongues is only God can understand but if you can interpret it, that is a gift from Him.  Worshipping God is what is due unto Him and Praise is the language of heaven. 
