February 23, 2018, Thursday, a call to worship God as One Body.

Such is the anointing the moment I entered Selah Studio.  What’s happening?  I asked myself because I felt something that absorbing my energy going inside.  I tried to distract myself because I tend to cry without any reason.  I know that something is going to happen so I stayed at the receiving area for a moment. 

I’m not feeling well that night because I’ve severe cough.  I’ve the reason not to go but I choose to.  I don’t want to cancel my appointment to God.  Besides, it’s part of our spiritual enhancement in our ministry – worshipping God as one body together with other churches in Kalibo. 

The prelude was being played and it sounds so good.  I took pictures to distract myself, to be honest.  Though it’s part of my documentation but still, at the back of my mind, I’m resisting inside.  I felt so awkward and uneasy.  It’s like a tug of war for me because I’m so anxious of my cough.  I don’t want to distract others by it as they came to worship God.             

The main focus of the night is to worship God, to know God and to be with God.  Religion is not an issue.  Respect is a virtue.  Cellphones and taking pictures are not allowed inside.  All belongings were left at the receiving area.  Drinking water is allowed only for singers and band so I raised my hand for exemption because I need to bring a glass of water for my cough.  I’m grateful that they allowed me to do so as long as it will not spill.   So the prelude started at 6 pm to 6:30, self-preparation at 6:30 to 6:45, fellowshipping or knowing to know each other at 6:45 to 7pm then 7pm onwards is prayer and worship. 

I was holding back my tears during the self-preparation.  I still kept on fighting inside but when I lay down into the altar of God, I just let my tears run down from my eyes.  I was crying inside so deep, so deep.  It seems like, I waited this for so long to cry like this.  No holding back anymore.  Of course, I just cried in silence, crying while singing and pouring out my heart to God.  I saw many faces along the way.  I prayed for them and forgave them.  I have nothing to hide from God.  I felt the comfort of God and I was calmed.

I know, there was a breakthrough that night.  The anointing of God is so powerful that you can’t resist when He is on the move.  The worship and prayer were so extreme that we finished late at night.  Snacks were served after and the fellowshipping continued. 

Statement below was the summary of what happened during that night.  I once posted this on my facebook wall and I do hope that you will also experience the gentleness of God in your life.  Amen.

“When we are coming back to the HEART OF WORSHIP, we are acknowledging GOD once again in our life.

We are to remember that God is the GOD OF THE CITY (world) and if we are willing to be used by Him, greater things will come in our community.

People will begin to give glory to God and to sing praises HOSANNA! WE EXALT THEE oh God. People will begin to sing with their soul HOW GREAT THOU ART and all will see HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD for the Kingdom of God is here, the Kingdom of God is here and we are the kingdom.

Be strong and be couregous. Be careful of our heart, be careful not to be deceived by the enemy for God is looking for those whose hearts are loyal to Him. Do not be afraid for He is with us. Go on, for the river of living water is flowing on the streets. The big hand of God is working. There will be peace and order in the land. Our true worship to God will affect the hospital and deliverance of our place. The volcano erupted like a bomb that will bring healing and deliverance to hospitals, schools and later on, will affect our town.

Be aware of God's work. Don't be afraid, for we will triumph, WE WILL TRIUMPH IN THE LORD. We are to walk in the power of His might, will shine for His glorious light, for greater is He that makes us overcome.”
