The Last Diner

"Menu or Special Order?"

I was searching, searching for something, something that even I can't understand.  Restless mind, troubled heart, emotionally unstable and I'm beginning to hate myself because of this behavior. I even asked myself, "what's going on?" because it seems like I was under attack.

In surfing the net, I was able to watch "The Encounter with God".  At first, it looks like horror to me and boring but when I got curious of what's going on, I was awed because I was really hit inside and beginning to cry.  I can't help myself not to cry because something in my heart that wants to blow away.  Tears run down from my eyes and keep on saying, "sorry Lord."

What will you do if one day, Jesus Christ would appear in a restaurant as an ordinary man and will take your order?  What would you prefer, menu or special order? 

Though different situation, I was able to identify myself in the character portrayed by them.  It was really a simple movie but it really struck me inside.  You better watch the movie by yourself because I can't really explain and express it properly in writing.  I'm not good to that as I don't have the right words to describe it.  The movie is kind of incredible.  It talks about prayer - the importance of prayer, how God value the prayers we uttered and offered to Him; relationship - how God middle to arrange things if we only ask Him to do so; how God reach out to us even at the hour of death and how God take good care of us when we needed Him the most.

This movie really shows the goodness of God whether we like it or not.  I watched it over and over again and there is that feeling that I really wanted to hug Jesus and cry on his shoulder.  I really really wanted to and I desire to encounter it one day.

What I'm going to choose?  I would prefer the special order because it will be the very best order made by Jesus Christ as He personally create it for me.  I can't imagine Him serving me and talking to me while eating the meal He prepared for me.  His voice is so sweet and calm and I can't forget the smile.  He is so awesome and handsome, you know.

The very best part of the movie is, when Jesus said, "I love you" after all the confrontation, the encounter.  Jesus assured them that He loves them so much no matter what. 

We cannot fathom the deeps of God's love for us.  The goodness of God will lead us to repentance.  He has given us a choice what to choose.  It is our free will to choose. What grieve His heart is when we choose to walk away but if we choose to repent and acknowledge Him again, He is always there to accept you. 

Remember, He will not take away the free will that He has given us.  It is our choice to be made whether or not to order menu or special order.
