When God Grant The Desires Of Your Heart

Psalm 27:4 says, "One thing I have desired of the Lord. That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord. And to inquire in His temple." This is one of my favorite scriptures while waiting for my promotion.

I remember when my former boss told me that there is an opening in other branches. I asked her question whether or not she will let me go. "Of course" she replied,  "It's about time".  She encouraged me to apply for my benefit, to have greener pasture and above all, to help my family conveniently.

At first, I was hesitant because I've precautions.  I don't want to apply for political will but I want the normal and fair process.  The submission of my requirements were not secret but I did it silently.  It's good to feel that you are promoted because of your credentials and abilities.  I became busy doing ministry work and I just waited patiently.  All I want is to be promoted for the glory of God.

Though I heard hearsay that my promotion will be complicated, I trusted God and believed that He will work behind.  I heard bad reports, plots, doubt of my ability and capacity, questioning my identity and personality as well as trying to accept me as an obligation.  I felt so helpless if I really think about it but I brought the matter in prayer to God.  I prayed about it so hard and poured out my inner desire towards Him.  I just keep on thanking Him that He will do things beautiful in His time and that He is working in my behalf.

You know, it's hard to please everybody but not with God.  All you have to do is to have faith in Him and it pleases Him.  You have to delight yourself to Him and He will grant the desire of your heart.  What He is asking for from us is to be specific what we really desire.

While waiting for my application, I asked God what is best for me and told Him exactly what I want.  I want my promotion for His glory.  I want my promotion to be decided by Him, not mine.  I don't want to choose if ever.  I want to prove God's faithfulness in my life.

One day, I dreamt that I was promoted.  The letter was handed to me by the husband of my boss.  That was unexpected result but I know that it's the hand of God who worked in my behalf.  On the same day, while having my lunch, the husband came in the office and told me the good news.  Wow!  What a confirmation!  I was filled with joy because it happened on the same day.  He told me also that the main office called and informed him of my appointment.  They were the one who decided what branch to be appointed and he didn't expect it to happen.

I was smiling when he told me that and I shared to them that I already dreamt it early in the morning and had the confirmation of my dream at noon.  It was so fast.  I was really feasting inside because God really granted the desire of my heart.  Everything is really for the glory of God.  He never put me to shame though there were people blocking my promotion but I proved them wrong about me.

I'm really grateful of the environment I am in right now. They embrace me of who I am.  They allowed me to be part of their life.  They accepted me as a family irregardless of my weaknesses and lapses.  Indeed, it is really an answered prayer and I really enjoy to have them in my life.

To God be the glory.
