Be Ready In Season Or Out Of Season

I was supposed to attend the ROTC Seminar in the middle of the year.  It was planned for about a year and I already had the permission from my boss to attend months before the seminar but there was something that had happened so I missed it.

I felt so bad because it should be my first time to attend that seminar but I can't help to leave the person who need my presence in times of darkness.  I have to console myself that everything has a purpose, and that, God has a greater plan why I stayed for the season.

During the seminar week, I prayed to God that I might receive the same message, the same anointing and power that is being released even I'm in Kalibo.  Of course, there's resentment why it happened but I don't dwell too much over the situation.  I kept on saying to myself that everything has a purpose.

One day, I found myself talking with the high profile couple and ministered to them the word of God.  I'm not an expert when it comes to evangelism but I just shared to them the principles of God and how God sees and cares about them; how God will not leave them nor forsake them in their family problem and others.  If I'm not mistaken, it took me about 2 to 3 hours talking to them, comforting and encouraging them with the word of God.

At first, it was kind of tough knowing that they were high profile.  Who am I to lecture them?  But I know that it was not I who did the work but it is the grace of God and the help of the Holy Spirit.  I really felt the per pressure in the beginning because I don't know how to begin with.  I was a good listener first.  I speak up when I was asked and added the word of God in our conversation, then, I saw the intense of argument between the principles of God and the principles of the world but I put myself above the situation.  God is in control and that He is able to turn the bad situation into good.  The per pressure, arguments went down and we found ourselves laughing already.  There was a released, a relieved and light over darkness.

I can't recall if we've prayed before we departed but I've the fulfillment in my heart that I was able to become an instrument of God's faithfulness.  The couple went home emotionally stable and have the assurance that God cares for them, that God will never leave them nor forsake them and that God will turn everything into good.

I believe that the seeds God has planted in their hearts will grow and that, they will continue in the faith and completely trust Him in everything.  Amen.
