Choosing Disciples

I remember years ago when somebody approached me and asked why I wasn’t part of the core group.   I wonder why because I’m not bothered about it.  I even didn’t know at that time that there was a selection of core group.  In other words, I don’t care but when I started hearing the sentiments, I began to ask myself why but since it was not a big deal to me, I just ignored it.

When I read Matthew 10:2-4, I was delighted.  This passage of scripture tells about Jesus named his twelve (12) disciples.  I can’t explain what I felt at that time but my heart was filled with joy because God answered the question about the set of core group.  If I’m going to ponder the life of the 12 disciples, they were not perfect; they have different levels of faith; some of them were strong and some were not.  Despite of that, God choose them not in their weaknesses but for them to be strengthened and to be used by Him to His purposes and plans. 

When I had the chance to talk to the leader of the group, I told her the revelation I received with regards to the set of core group.  She agreed with me as she devoted herself in praying and fasting whether or not the set of core group is final.  She has to trust and believe God that the names given were the one whom God chosen to be part of the core group. 

I know some of them were hesitant to accept the call to be part of the core group because of personal reasons or I would say because of inferiority but as what God said to St. Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9: But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." they took the challenge to be part of it. 

I believe God is working in them because God balance their partnership as they learned to submit with each other despite of indifferences.  They grow together in their commitment to God and I’m looking forward of their willingness to be sent out two by two for the expansion of God’s Kingdom.
