Written on November 15, 2016
year, if I remember it right, in one of our ladies prayer and fasting,
Cathedral of the King (COTK) was assigned to me (although many times this topic
was given to me but I can't recall the exact date when this strange thing
happened). While uttering prayer for COTK to God, I saw a huge book being
opened and saw moving characters above it (seems like I'm seeing
cinematography) then I heard somebody narrating the story to me - the days of
Moses, the 40 years journey of the Israelites in the wilderness, the reason why
they can't cross the promise land, the attitude of the people and the obedience
made by Joshua and colleagues. What puzzled me the most was, I clearly heard my
own prayer as well as the narration at the same time. It seems like, my prayer was
guided to what I've seen and heard. Before I ended my prayer, the book suddenly
that day on, in my personal prayer, I prayed the same prayer for the COTK. I'm
still wondering of what I've seen and asked God for the significant. I tried to
figure it out that if God work in patterns, who then is Moses? Who is Joshua
who will lead the people to the promise land? And who were the people who can't
cross and can cross the promise land? I shared this thought to few in the group
but I don't know if they were able to grasp it.
started my research and God let me remember the events took place. Though it
took me months, I was able to see the written major events last December 31,
2015 at 16:24. I'm so excited to see whether or not the journey of COTK has
similarity during the days of Moses. I'll write down the years as follows:
as a church - 36 years - from 1979 to 2015
location of the church (undetermined because I don't know, undocumented - 6
years - from 1979 to 1985
Theater - 12 years - from 1985 to 1997
- 18 years - from 1997 to 2015
If I'm
going to count their claim of journey to the land of promise, they have 22
years to cross over (counting 1993 where the prophecy was given I think, to be
verified if possible) but if counting from 1979, they have 4 years to reach the
40 years in the wilderness. I'm not really sure of this research as I need an
insider from the COTK to verify the information I gathered (hopefully it will
happen in due time).
When I
saw and read the headline below, I was so delighted. What a joy to see the fulfillment
of everything of what has been prayed for. Indeed, it is an answered prayer for
all of us. While typing the number of years above-stated, it caught my
attention. I don't know if this is just coincidence but try to look again to
the number of years: 36 years, 6 years, 12 years and 18 years. Just can't help
to think about it, it's 36 / 6 = 6 - the number of man. This month, COTK will
celebrate their 37th year already and that number is perfect number, 3 and 7
and if you are going to sum it up, it's number 10 and number 10 means the
completeness of order. Will it be that in 2019, the church will be fully built?
That is exactly the 40 years from 1979. Still, I'm counting years.
I was so overwhelmed and felt relieved because in God's time, I was able to write
this down, right now. Hope, these events will be written in the book of church
on how God moved in this behalf. To God be the glory!
For almost 40 years, the Cathedral of the King (Manila, Philippines) has been engaged in a pilgrimatic odyssey from place to place: hotel to theatre, warehouse to warehouse; always seeking for the city made without hands, and yet knowing our inheritance from God included a tangible demonstration of His glory. In a country controlled by oligarchs and a city owned by developers, it has proven a long and often disappointing process, but every step of the way Jesus Christ has always proved that He is, indeed, Lord.
In March 2016, a piece of property was unequivocally acquired, a property that the Church can feel free to build upon in any way the Lord leads. And finally, the Architects and Engineers’ Group, a ministry formed and active since 1991, was freed to finalize plans for just that building. On August 27, 2016, Bishop Ariel Santos signed the proposed plans, which are now undergoing submission of application for building permits and government clearances. A groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled for November 2016, with Patriarch Craig Bates and other international clergy involved.
As the third generation of Cathedral members prepare to join with their mentors in the leadership of the Church and the construction of this building, all our CEC brethren are encouraged to pray the prayer of King David: “Surely I will not enter my house, nor lie on my bed; I will not give sleep to my eyelids; until I find a place for the Lord, a dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob.”
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