“For I know the plans You have for me, plans to prosper me and not to
harm me, plans to give me hope and a future.
As I call upon You, come and pray to You, I know that You will listen to
me. I will seek You and find You when I
seek You with all my heart.”
is my personal prayer way back in 2008 if I’m not mistaken. I started personalizing scriptural prayer when
I attended Ladies Retreat in New Washington.
It became part of my daily devotion along with my daily readings. As I continually doing it, it became familiar
and inspiration to me knowing that God’s promises will always be true as what
He said in Isaiah 55:11, “So is my word that goes out from my mouth; It will
not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the
purpose for which I sent it.”
was the year of transition for me because things happened so sudden. It was really tough because it really
stretched me out and tested my faith. I
was so mentally and emotionally torture to be candid. The feeling that I have to choose between
family or ministry, denying myself or pursuing my will, to be a good person or
believe that before things have happened, God has already given me the blue
print. The thing is, I wasn’t able to
read it properly because I was emotionally and mentally occupied. I neglected what I saw because I thought, it
was just situational but if only I take heed, it would have been
prevented. I was kind of stubborn at
that time, that’s why God allowed things to happen as a wakeup call.
my sister and kids stayed in the house for about 4 months due to marital and health
problem, our normal life had transition.
We lived in anxiety, chaos and life and death situation. I mean, we’ve days and nights upside
down. I have to watch my ways and keep my
tongue from sin. I asked God to spare me
and my family from all harm, to give me the wisdom and guidance how to handle
the situation because I’m really uncomfortable.
I’ve to adjust 360˚. I’ve to take care of things that is not my
own. We’re financially and in faith
crisis. In everything that was going
on, I’ve to be silent and be still, but everytime I did it, my anguish increased. It grew hot within me that sometimes, the
fire burned and I lost my temper. There were
times that I can’t handle my emotion so I spoke up and exploded.
I was physically and mentally down, I don’t want to talk or think of
anything. I was about to give up. I’m tired. I’m exhausted mentally and
emotionally. I wanted peace. Though I heard words of encouragement, it
seems like it's not enough. I have to
convince myself that those were true. I have
to believe that I am not alone, that someone out there sees me inside, to
comfort me when I needed the most but I found none. Maybe some did not show it physically but I know
they did care and lifted me up in their prayer.
of heavy to bear that everyday, I need to be strong in behalf of the family. I need to be strong in order not to give up on
the circumstances. I need to be strong
because they were looking up unto me. I showed them that I’m still fine though
I was not. Have to confess God’s word to be motivated not
to go weary. I have to fight the battle but sometimes, I get
tired also. I always told myself to count
with all joy the various trials I encountered with.
can’t recall when this happened but it really made me secure that I’m not alone
in this battle of life. I suddenly woke
up at around 2 o’clock in the morning and heard these words, “for I know the plans I have for you, plans
to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I heard it clearly and it really touched me
inside. I mean, yes, it’s my prayer but
the impact of that moment was different.
God dealt the issues of my heart with those words. I was comforted immediately and I thanked God. It seems like, I woke up from the stupor of
wine and continually rebuked satan and his works because I don’t deserve the suffering I went
believe that through prayer and standing in the promises of God, things were
put into place. He did things beautiful
in His time. First week of December, the
marital problem of my sister has been settled and her family reunited once
again. God also honored the desire of a
child that one day, her family will have a happy ending.
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