What comes first in your mind when you heard the word “addiction”?  Let me guess, it’s drugs, right?  Most probably, yes, but not all addiction talks about drugs (eventhough it’s very well-known).  Maybe we are not aware of it but we are kind of addict in so many ways, eg. internet, food, sex, exercise, alcoholism among others.

            Addiction is not a one-time big time thing.  Science can discuss or explain more about that but I believe that it all started in the mind.  It’s like a small thought of curiosity, the questions of why and how, could it satisfy or lead to be a good person or somehow a bad person?  If we continually nurture and cultivate that “small thought” with our imaginations, we tend to neglect whether it is bad or good.  We don’t think it anymore and it will be no longer a question at all because it became naturally a habit.  The more we entertain it in our mind, the more we want it to be real.  We want to feel it or taste it because we no longer want the imaginations to limit us for satisfaction but want to do it more passionately.  After we’ve done everything to satisfy that inner desire, we feel happy and yet we want to go more and even go extremely to satisfy our foolishness and if we can’t control ourselves, addiction can steal our real happiness.

I’m not interested in playing games over my one touch phone then nor paying attention to it but one day, I was bored and started scrolling the games.  At first, not exciting but as I continually playing, it became a habit.  There were times that I spent more time in playing games than praying.  I slept late at night and even early in the morning just to get into another level.  I’ve to cheat the time zone to get more life and play continuously.  Not only that, I deprived my body to sleep regularly as well as abused using my eyes and hands.  I became insomniac for couple of days and even if my eyes were closed, I can still picture out the playboard to strategize how to jump the next level.

Yes, I was once addicted in playing games but when I found myself in that situation, I made a decision to stop.  It was not that easy, I tell you.  A lot of temptations but because I made a decision, I need to be firmed.  Addiction is like a daily routine, so how I was able to get out of the situation?  I did fast in playing games, though, sometimes, I failed but I have to remind myself of the commitment I made.  I have to say “no” everytime I was tempted but my mind keep on reasoning that “it’s okay, it’s just a simple game, you need to relax, you need not to be bored or you just want to fulfil your satisfaction.” There were times that I can’t resist either because somehow, I like doing it.

You see, even if I made a decision, still I failed to do so because my mind was not renewed yet.  For me to stand against addiction is to renew my mind.  I have to cast down every reasoning and imaginations that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God and I bring every thought into captivity in obedience to God’s word.  (2 Cor. 10:3-5) I started working out again, to fight against my will.  I put limitations in scrolling the games.  I choose to forget that I’ve games to play with.  I was totally released when I overcome the battling of mind.  Though there were times I was tempted, I need to be consistent.  Yes, it is, by the grace of God, I was able to overcome my addiction in games.

Addiction starts when you allow the windows of your body to welcome and accept it.  It pass through your mind.  When you cultivate it with your imaginations and go on in your heart and desire it, you will find yourself doing it.  I do believe that addiction has a way out, has a cure, not just because of the medicines but because you choose to be freed from that bondage.  It is actually a decision to be made, a work need to be done and a change that comes from within.  Don’t allow your mind to control you.  Renew your mind with the word of God.  “Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you.  Cleanse your hands, purify your heart, humble yourself to God and He will lift you up.” James 4:7-8, 10. 
