Wearing the Same Shoes

When I first met FF at Chinese Restaurant, I was delighted because finally, I met her in person.  She was BB’s girlfriend and they were already engaged (as they called it).  I have nothing to do with her than to observe.  She’s adorable and cute.  Not to mention her kissable lips and killer smile. 

I did not know FF personally.  I just added her as my friend in FB for me to meet her, at least.  She looks kind and pretty, fashionable and easy to be with.  For me, physical appearance is approved.  Of course, there is something that I need to know, something that will assured me that she really love BB even at his complicated status.

I’m trying to behave the best I can.  I’m careful of observing FF since I just met her for about two days in person.  We never had a chance to have conversation in FB.  I’m more on liking pictures and update status sometimes.  When I had the chance to talk with her alone, I asked her simple and common questions for her to be comfortable with me.  As the conversation goes by, I was able to ask her the major information that I need to know.  At first, I can’t understand why she acted that way then.  I was kind of upset inside while listening to her tantrum.  I mean, she should know that her boyfriend is not single like her.  BB is a father and he cared for his children, that’s why he attend first to their needs.  She should know that she don’t own (in terms of relationship) BB alone.  She has to set her mind that in loving BB, she should love his kids also one way or the other.  That is one of the issues that they need to settle if ever because at that time, BB gave more importance to his children than FF. 

You know, I felt sorry for BB at that time but I have to keep it for myself.  I don’t want to middle, besides, I don’t have the right to do that.  I don’t know what will happen if ever marriage will pursue because FF has so much personal issues in their relationship.  It should be settled first or else the other round.  I’m not sure if FF will stay in that kind of relationship without settling first her personal issues to BB and the kids.  I doubt it.  As what I’ve said, I have nothing to do with it than to pray for them:  “If they are really meant to each other, Lord, so be it but if not, then let them depart in peace.”    

Years passed, Mr. C. introduced me to SH.  I really don’t know the purpose at first but when we had conversation almost everyday, I began to realize the value of it, the very purpose why he was introduced to me and I think, I did it well because he was able to recover one way or the other.  The common things I did were not new to me because normally, I’m an absorber.  Of course, it’s not an easy task.  There were times that I’m tired of listening to but I have to do so because there were people who are seeking for those and usually, I made myself available for that as I know how does it feels when you need someone to talk to.

When SH started sharing the life of his daughter to me and their memories, I found myself awkward, kind of embarrassed and I felt something different inside me that I can’t explain.  I asked myself why and what’s going on, why I felt it?  I don’t like what I felt at that time so I asked God.  I didn’t get the answer immediately.  I have had to experience those feelings twice before I got the answer.  While evaluating myself about the feelings, I suddenly remembered the conversation I had with FF.  I began to understand why she acted that way, why she was kind of jealous or upset everytime the kids communicate to BB and BB gave more attention to them than her.    Maybe she felt worse more than me because she committed herself to a married man while I, entertained a single dad.  Although different situation but still, the same principle was used.  BB and FF separated ways because of the reason I didn’t know.  I never asked why as I don’t want to get involve to their problem.  As for me and SH, we communicate sometimes but not as the early days.

In the case of BB and FF, there is love and there is no question on that but the willingness to take the risk no matter what happen was not there.  I mean, loving a person is not just the person alone but also the entirety of him.  In my case, God allowed things to happen for me to understand how it feels to be in the same shoes of FF.  It is not easy, I tell you. 

The lesson I learned is that, don’t judge somebody quickly over the situation by mere listening and seeing things around but try to understand by putting yourself in someone’s shoes.
