
Correct me if I am wrong.  When love is in the air, we normally ask for signs, right?

I remember this particular event where I was teased to one of the coordinators.  At that time, he was the campus crush.  He was known because of his charisma to girls, his commitment and faithfulness in the ministry as well as his achievements in studies.  He was kind of sweet and a simple person.

During the last night of that event, I asked God if He will answer my prayer right there and then - if this coordinator man is the one for me or not but I heard no reply.  The signs I asked was exactly the desire of my heart that nobody knows except the two of us. 

I was in my room at that time when God directed me to go out.  I asked Him why and this was His answer, "get out of your room to know the answer of your prayer".  I did eventhough I was kind of nervous.  When I went out, people were kind of busy and doing business.  I was directed to look at where this coordinator man was.  When I saw him, God asked me, "is that the kind of man that you are asking from Me?" I was stunned and kept silent.  I know in my heart that he is not the one so I said, "no Lord".  I waited for follow up questions but there was none.  

When you ask God for signs, be ready because He confirms signs according to His will and purpose.  I wonder why He raised question instead of telling me that the coordinator man is not the one for me.  It simply means that He doesn't forget of the deal I made with Him five years ago before that event and He just reminded me about it.  
