Hearing His Voice in Silence

The Lord of All
Territorial Convocation 2006
Youth Corner

Hearing His Voice in Silence
By Gem

        Prior to the midday praise last Tuesday, August 1, I noticed Renz communicating to his mother through sign language.  I was bothered because other young people were doing the same thing.  Their mouths were shut up.  There was silence among them that caught my attention.  I knew there was something in that silence.

        Youth from 10 to 18 years old had a separate session everyday at the 2nd floor of Quezon Hall at the Teacher’s Camp, Baguio City during the Territorial Convocation.  Participants from Visayas were Renz Q. Malapit, Joshua Hanna R. Atayde, Hanna Grace L. Bolido and Ma. Sofia S. Alcaraz.  Young people from different churches of Southeast Asia fellowshipped with one another.

         After lunch of that same day, I met Renz again at the bazaar.  In my curiosity, I asked him about what I saw that morning.  He told me that it was their meditation time and that they were asked to be silent for a while in order to listen from God.  At their young age, they were taught how to be sensitive to God’s voice.  As the next generation of the Church, they were taught basic principles that related to them, young people of God.  They also had opportunity to develop their skills, talents, abilities, ideas and creativity in every activity they had.  They met new friends as well.

           Fr. Nonoy and other Youth Directors were also there to support and assist them in the different activities.  Our leaders found joy in seeing the youth doing well for the kingdom of God.

        As a reminder, to all the Youth, as you continue to enjoy life, always remember to make the Lord a part of it.  In your practice of silence, may it silence self-centeredness and bring you to a level of maturity.  For those who were privileged to participate in 3-day gathering in Baguio, be diligent to study whatever learnings you received, walk in them and always bring back the glory of God.
