There were times in my life that I want to escape, to getaway, to sleep without disturbance and a moment of silence. I felt like kind of choke. When the appointed time has come, I was kind of excited because the long wait is over. I planned things as I wanted and hoping that everything will put into order and in place.

A friend of mine welcome me in his place. He is my long distance friend and we often met occasionally. Since I was in his place, he really made sure that I'm comfortable. I didn't know that days before I came, he had marital problem. He assured me that I'm not the reason. I felt sorry because it seems like my coming was kind of bad timing.

We had our tour, dinner at the summit with colleagues and drive through in the middle of the night. Tired, yes, but satisfied. While in the pension house, I have in mind to enjoy my sleep as I wanted but guess what, I wasn't just alone in the room. I was caught on the act unprepared. I never expect my friend to accompany me until I sleep? Oh oh, it cannot be. I was in trouble. I was panicking inside but I stayed calm. I was in the comfort room praying and at the same time asking God what to do. I rebuked the spirit of lust and prayed for protection and safety. There is fear and anxiety but I tried to control my emotion. I should stay alert and observant what will take place.

On the other hand, I know my friend. He will not do such immorality if ever (that's what I thought that moment). I knew, he was in his lowest point and eventhough I really wanted to comfort him by way of hugging him, I can't. I want to ask him if we can pray together about his marital problem but I can't. I really just can't. There was force hindering me not to do it. At the back of my mind, prayer is the best thing I can do for him but if I'm going to lead the prayer, maybe things will turn out the other way. I mean, I had compassion on his situation and I want to comfort him as a friend but you know, I felt like improper to do that. He is a married man and I'm single. Besides, that was not just the issue there, I don't want to intervene in a situation that will cause complication later on. So, even I really wanted to pray together with him, I choose to pray alone instead. That is safe for me.

I was kind of stunned in the corner looking at my friend sleeping on the bed. I'm really worried inside. There were thoughts like, what I'm gonna do? Should I wake him up or not? I really want to sleep but how? What have I done, Lord? Why am I in this situation?  I don't deserve this.  I don't want to be Nicole noh (referring to The Legal Wife). I would rather allow no sleep in my eyes while interceding rather than to sleep in the corner while my friend is around. I mean, for me, no malice at all but for the sake of respect, I should do the right thing.

I waited for about 5 to 10 minutes until my friend woke up. He apologized because he slept on my bed. I told him to understand me why I can't accommodate him in my room, that eventhough there is no malice between us and to avoid gossip, he has to leave the room. I've pity on him because for about two days according to him, he just slept in his car on the street. When I asked him earlier where to sleep, he told me that he can manage himself.  I know, he was kind of exhausted and need proper sleep but I just can't give it to him. I really had to deny him for a while to protect myself and our names also. I had peace when he leave the room but still, I'm worried about him. I just prayed that God will protect and comfort him.

The next morning, we talked about what happened that night. He knew that I worried so much. He saw that in my eyes. He has no intention or anything, he clarified. He was just tired and exhausted because of what happened to him.  When he accompanied me to the airport, I told him to find a place for him to sleep well because he deserves it.  That was the time also that I hugged him and we departed in peace.

While on board, I felt relieved.  I know that what happened was the night of test and I guess, I passed it one way or the other.  I'm grateful that God never leave me nor forsake me in that situation.  It's worth praying and watchful. 
