To be in heaven is an awesome experience!  There is none like heaven to be compared of.  If you begin to read the book of Richard Sigmund with an open heart, you will see how awesome God is.  He prepared heaven for us, for our benefit and to enjoy the pleasure of His kingdom.

A thought crossed my mind that really impressed my heart.  We don’t need to experience heaven just like Richard Sigmund to see how God works in our lives and how God love us so much.  Maybe we are not aware of it but we do experience heaven everytime we do His will.  Sounds crazy?  Let’s find out.

I would like to express my gratitude to Sis Nem, for allowing me to read “My Time in Heaven” through her tab.  I was allowed to read in the admin office and it really challenged me how to finish it since I have to do it after office hours.  But thanks be to God that I was able to finish reading it with expectation because I learned from it.  I realized later on that some of the writings there actually happened to me – not the same situation but the same principle applied. 

Note:  Words in italics were the writings found in the book of “My Time in Heaven” by Richard Sigmund

“God orders our tomorrows by our prayer today.  As we pray, God gives us our tomorrows by a system of weights and measures.  He also confirms His plans to us and give us direction in life, telling us, “yes”, “no”, or “not yet.”

            I was in the stage of growing up in the Lord while struggling in my financial stability.  When I started searching of any clerical position, I was not that serious at first.  I don’t want to be away of the church.  I just prayed that God will open doors – to have a permanent job according to my skills.  When opportunities began to open, I did not grab it.  It seems that there is no peace in my heart.  I was really tempted to do so but not the right time.

“When we pray earnestly, it releases God to go into our tomorrows.”

            I allowed God to go into my tomorrows because I waited patiently.  There were times that I want to give up but I kept on holding God’s promises that He will give the desires of my heart.

“The Holy Spirit makes you aware (if you are really close to God)that you need to pray because there is something in your pathway you need to know about.”

            When I entered the umbrella of business, I felt something wrong but I just kept it to myself.  I asked God’s wisdom and guidance in everything and He proved Himself faithful in my behalf.  Such a burden too heavy to bear and I can’t understand why.  I prayed God to spare me and protect me from all harm.

“I was told by the angels who were with me that these are things that God highly prizes:  the highly prized someone who is absolutely truthful and totally honest,  who prays before he makes any decision, and who makes sure that all his decisions and what God wants him to make.  God highly prizes someone who will pray and see Him in all things and be obedient.  Above all is obedience to God.  Those are principles that heaven in run by.”

            I was in a situation that if I will not do something, I will be blamed of.  I prayed God that when the “radical change” will take place, everything will be put into order.  While relaxing, cloudy wings caught my attention.  No form of human nor supernatural body, only wings that was huge, dark and it seems like flying towards us.  Suddenly, I heard a voice telling me, “run Gemma, run”.  I was kind of stunned.  Why run?  I asked.  If I would recall it right, I heard it 3 times and in that third time, I obeyed.  I felt the urgency to obey as I saw the dark wings get closer.  I realized that it was the Spirit of God who told me to run.  It really matters to obey as downpour follows.  In my obedience to fulfill the radical change, I have to paid the price.  Yes, kind of hard but I need to put things into black and white.  Yes, kind of afraid but I know that I’m not doing my own.   

“There is also a bank in heaven – our banks.  This is how it works.  Everytime you give anything, it is recorded in heaven.  Angels go to a doorway with a slip.  They receive golden coins and brings them to earth.  The coins are changed to what we need on earth.  These are supernatural finances.”

            When the radical change brought into open, the orginazation’s financial status was unstable.  Running out of funds was my greatest fear at that moment.  Despite of financial shortage, God is faithful.  Doors of favor began to open.  Unexpected provision came in.  Surely, God did not put me to shame for He remembered the covenant of tithing (Malachi 3:10).

“Castle of dreams is the place where the hopes and the dreams of my people are kept and fulfilled.” God keeps the hopes and dreams that He wants to fulfil in our lives.”

            In those days of darkness, I really made sure to find refuge in God’s presence whether in my homebase or in the island.  There were times that I badly went home just to recharge from all the pressures of life.  To be honest, I prayed more earnestly in the presence of God everytime I meet Him in the island.  I mean, I’m more familiar of Him in the homebase but in the island, I really have to spend quality time to know His direction and guidance of all odds I face with.  Spending time with Him gave me strength and power to overtime circumstances.

“Then, Jesus drew back a few steps and began to speak.  “For centuries, men have tried to interpret My Word.  Some were correct, in as much light as they had.  Some were wrong and some of them were sent by the evil one to lead My Father’s creation astray.  From the day that My grace was extended to redeem creation, the one has tried to steal it from My hands….” “Beware, the evil one would send you to wrong people.””

            If you don’t have discerning spirit, you will be led astray.  If you don’t know the Word of God, you will easily get acquainted of the wrong teachings.  The worship service I attended to while I was in the island is different to my homebase.  I tried to attend other worship services just to feel complete the worship.  I mean, I attended the liturgical worship then go to charismatic or evangelical fellowships (if I’m not satisfied of the mass).  I stopped doing it later on when I heard different teaching.  No question about “pakikisama” but the thing is, where is your heart?

“Jesus said, “You are going back.” I sighed, and Jesus rebuked me.  “The will of My Father is never grievous.  Stand to Your feet.  You must go back.  You will come back to heaven.  You will have angelic visits,” He said.  Then Jesus hugged me.”

During my struggling times asking God until when I end my mission in the island, He reminded me of my college 10-year plan project.  Kind of amaze because I almost forgot it but He did not.  I looked for it and found out that out of 10, only 2 were unfulfilled.  I asked Him for sign until when and He put everything into order.  Eventhough my bosses were unwilling to let me go, the will of God is not grievous that I need to go back to my homebase.  When God touched their hearts, I went out smoothly and good. 

Just recently, I saw the continuous effect of the “radical change” and I consider it a reward because my labor is not in vain.  The organization is on their “take-off” mode and I believe, it will fly soon.    

Matthew 25:23 says, "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!”  
