Shall We Dance?

“Commit in dance ministry and join us” The invitation when I was babe in the Lord. I refused at first because if ever I will commit to a ministry, I would prefer media department as it was my passion.

It was 1997 when I joined dance ministry. Considering that my foundation is not yet rooted in the word of the Lord, I just go with the flow in the ministry.

I learned the hard way in the training program but it’s worth because it really molded me how to be a dancer. My hard mentor I ever have was Nang Tess. She was assigned to me in discipleship and she was my ever strict trainor but have compassion on her trainee. I remember in one of the Saturdays that she trained me, she had that “arnis”. Sigh! She used the “arnis” to measure how high my jump, to correct the movement of my hands and feet. There was a time that I want to give up and cry because I cannot do other steps until such time I can perfect the first one. Discipline was really observed in doing steps and how to measure steps by counting among others was really emphasized.

What really impressed me was, she never leave me in the air. Why do I say that? When I sought her help in doing the choreography for my recital song, she was there willing to help despite the fact that she had problem at that time because I saw her crying while talking to my sister after that Sunday service. They talked for about an hour or more and I really have to wait patiently for them to finish. With her above knee polka dots dress and high-heel shoes, I can’t imagine her doing the choreography with that attire. She became a good example to me as I witnessed how strong she is in that situation. The problem doesn’t stop her to be creative in dance.

Have you seen a dancer interpreting the minus one music? In ballet, its normal but for the interpretative, I don’t think so. How can you interpret something if there are no lyrics? Unless you really know the song and the audience knew also what you are doing, maybe. It’s not good to feel and kind of frustrating interpreting minus one. Yes, it is, really a heartbreak when I experienced it with the song “A Mirror of Your Love”. I really felt bad because the choreographer assigned to me was not responsible enough. She knew that the cassette tape was multiplex and yet, she did not do something about it. I was embarrassed at that night but I’m still grateful to God because despite of what happened, it builds my character inside.

My ever long time dance partner Shan, really nice. I would say that we grow together in the ministry (he’s ahead of me actually) both in good and bad times. People thought different at us because of our closeness but in us, no malice at all. We’re comfortable to each other that we shared thoughts, things, not to mention even dressing room among others. Hehehe.

I encountered struggles being in the ministry but love to God is above all. There were times that I want to quit but for what reason? After all the hardship, I’m going to quit? When I understood the essence of serving God, alibis has no place but sometimes, I did entertain those things to give space to myself. Injuries should not be the reason why you can’t minister unless it is really serious or you even don’t want to do so. Besides, I experienced that I got healed from multiple sickness when I minister. I’m still standing in that 80 over 70 bp and not to mention the ingrown in my toenails. Sigh.

Dance ministry helped me build my character, my foundation and my relationship to God. I’m not a good dancer as others do but because of God’s grace, I was able to do so. To be one with the song is the best thing you can do to dance with the heart. To dance with the anointing of God is to be prepared spirit, soul and body.

14 years in dancing is not the same as before. It’s going to another dimension of responsibility and there is no way of turning back. Struggle? Yes. Fear? Yes. Sluggish? Sometimes. What matters is the heart that always in-tune in His dance steps. He once danced my own steps but still, I should follow the steps He wants me to dance with as He is my never-ending dance partner. Shall we dance?....
