I Am My Project

Finally, I found this! "I AM MY PROJECT". I've been looking for this since last year when God reminded me of something during our FAQ moment.

You know, I was struggling before in my career why I entered the business world since it's not what I wanted to. I only desire on how to be a part of a Non-Government Organization and I never thought that I am IN right now in that NGO thing. 
When I entered Boracay Chamber of Commerce and Industry, I asked God why He allowed things to happened. I mean, why I am in the business world? I am not used to it. I tried to excel but still, my understanding is not to the fullest. I kept on asking Him over and over again but He never answered me as I wanted to but instead, He said, "Look back to where are you now. Remember the project you did in your Values Education class?" Ohoh, it's way back 2001! and it was last year that I'm struggling about the job. 

I remember the project I did but I can't recall the descriptions I wrote. I want to read it again. I want to know why my career is not according to what I planned before. When things go smoothly for half a year of 2009 until this year, I began to understand that God is preparing me for something and for the next level of my life. 

I kept on looking of my project since last year and finally, I found it when I went home last Tuesday, February 23, 2010. There is always a perfect timing.

My english is too bad when I read it.. hehehe... I admit, I'm not good in english but I'm trying. In "trying", I can't deny that I improved slightly. hehehe... I'll write what exactly I wrote on December 10, 2001, here it is:

" Title "I AM MY PROJECT" Description "As like the pizza pie that has been sliced, I will consider it also as slice of my life for ten (10) years. I will going to graduate in my course Associate Secretarial in Computer Education in this year 2001 - 2002. I'm going to practice my skills of Stenography in a law office or else direct in Regional Trial Court (RTC). And if ever, I'm good better, I will become an employee as regular in that office. Likewise, I will not abandon my ministry & commitment to God even I've my job. I will continue my service to Him. Since, I've my work and ministry, I will never forget my family. I will fulfill what my father says to me that I will finish the contractions for our house. As we know that the salary of a stenograper is high, I will save in the bank, put up a "Collection Art Gallery", buy my needed & personal things & help my family. I will going to travel to the places that I want and have a vaction there. Then, I will going to settle down to the one I love & have a happy marriage. To live with my children & continue to serve the Lord with gladness. Our family principle will be: "AS FOR ME AND MY FAMILY, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD!""

Whew! I really laughed when I read it. It's amazing! I can't remember few of them. I was shocked when I read it. It's my project for ten years! Not all are fulfilled but one way or another, I was able to do so except the last one. hehehehe... Grabe si Lord. Why He reminded me of this? Well, for those people who asked me why I don't still have boyfriend, that's the answer. To have my own family is the last priority in my life. hehehe...

Let's go back,
"I will going to graduate in my course Associate Secretarial in Computer Education in this year 2001 - 2002." This project is already done. I graduated with complete grades with minor achievements. "I'm going to practice my skills of Stenography in a law office or else direct in Regional Trial Court (RTC). And if ever, I'm good better, I will become an employee as regular in that office." I practiced my stenography skills during my OJT at RTC and more on Law Office for about 4 years. 

"Likewise, I will not abandon my ministry & commitment to God even I've my job. I will continue my service to Him. Since, I've my work and ministry, I will never forget my family." Well, in this part, I have nothing to boast of. Ask those who knew me in this matter and you will get an answer. 

"I will fulfill what my father says to me that I will finish the contractions for our house." I never yet reach this point but somehow, I did when typhoon Frank hit Aklan. "As we know that the salary of a stenograper is high, I will save in the bank, put up a "Collection Art Gallery", buy my needed & personal things & help my family." Hopefully, this year, I can make it. My application in Court is on the process. For the Gallery, I consider this part as the business world I entered. Maybe God is preparing me for this business.... hehehehe. 

"I will going to travel to the places that I want and have a vaction there." I traveled places I wanted but not for a vacation but more on work. Maybe someday, I can do that. 
"Then, I will going to settle down to the one I love & have a happy marriage. To live with my children & continue to serve the Lord with gladness. Our family principle will be: "AS FOR ME AND MY FAMILY, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD!" This is the most awaited scenario. hehehe... You know, it's for 10 years and we are now in 2010! It's about 9 years this year and yet, floating.

I'm grateful that I read this and did evaluate myself where I am now in that ten years. hehehe.. I'm still in My Project, working out. 

The lesson is, God never forget what we asked Him since the beginning or even a desire. I admit, I forgot this "I Am My Project" but He reminded me. Eventhough it didn't happen as I planned but still, it is in the circle of plan. The word of God is really proven that His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts is higher than our thoughts.

I've about 2 years from now to work with the project and I know that by His perfect time, everything will be done perfectly.
