Remember The Covenant Sign

"I will establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood, never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth."
(NIV. Gen. 9:11)

I can’t help myself to think of God’s faithfulness in my life.  Let me share with you my encounter with God before and after the flood.

It started when I was on my way to attend Wednesday Fellowship.  I was surprised and glad when I saw the rainbow on the horizon.  It adds color to my day and refreshed me.  I just wonder why it appeared the half view, but maybe, I just missed the entire view of it.  I sensed something in there but I never took it seriously.  I took the positive attitude that God set His covenant sign to be remembered by His creation.

If I would recall, it was three weeks after the rainbow appeared that we experienced the unexpected flood that caused damage and destruction of lives and properties.  At the fourth day after the flood, it appeared again.  I wasn’t aware of it at first but when we were about to go home from church after the general cleaning (preparation for worship service the following day), I heard a voice, “turn and look up the sky”.  I just obeyed and saw the covenant sign again.  It was joy that I felt because God assured me that He will never flood the earth again.  He is really there to show Himself that He remembers the covenant He made with our forefather, Noah.

The following week, text messages spread of the incoming flood again.  People began to panic because it’s just a week that they recovered and here comes the bad news again.  They began to evacuate to the higher shelter for they were afraid to experience the unforgettable frank.  Lot of stories come out like, the old man saw an angel of the Lord spreading his hands, holding on the eroded mountain so that it will not be totally destroyed.

I was given a chance to take picture of the rainbow I saw the third time.  It’s the same measurement with the first and second.  In my curiosity, I asked God what is the message of it, for it’s not normal to see rainbow many times in a month.  Yes I know, it’s the covenant sign but why is it that I saw it the third time?  The church never stops praying that no more floods to come again, so what is the significant of it?  As I go on searching, the Spirit led me to Genesis 9:14-15 that says, “Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind.  Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.” This message gave me an understanding that I don’t have to worry because I know that God is faithful to His promises.  I keep on praying God that He will strengthen my faith, to hold on to His promises and not to doubt Him. 

God never fail to remind us of His covenant sign.  Why did the rainbow appear before the flood?  He is faithful to His promise – He never destroy all life.  The second time, the renewing of His covenant to us because the church restored the worship.  Third time, the mercy of God still continues and He will always remember His promise.

The last thing God said to me, “Why oh my people you worry?  I’ve shown my covenant sign to you.  Why you never believe in me?  Always remember the covenant sign I gave you.  Do not doubt.”   

Non nobis domine!

-August 10, 2008-
